sisense release notes

This is available with the Analytical Engine that supports Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery. Sisense introduces new filters that provide additional filtering capabilities, as well as a more streamlined and flexible filtering experience. Now dashboards that have a pivot with no results can be successfully exported as PDFs, either by using the UI or The Release Notes for Dundas BI contains all of the details about the latest version, a complete release history, and the list of known issues. In the Sisense mobile app with SSO enabled, when opening the application after swiping it closed, the application displayed the server screen instead of opening the dashboard. Thank you for your feedback! Beginning in L2022.9 (this version) they are no longer supported in any flows initiated from the Sisense UI. Browse to the application in the usual way. The following table lists the high-level impact (or potential impact, if any) of each of these features, and how to handle it if upgrading to this version. Release Notes. The Pro version (Pro Version) is currently only $9/user/month, lower than any other similar product. must review and make sure that there is no '#' (hash symbol) in the URL to the Sisense resource. In some cases, when Narrative was set to ON, the resulting narrative text was based on an incorrect row Pricing. Notebooks - The schema list in Notebooks may have shown duplicate column names for Redshift databases. 1.7.5 . /api/v1/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{id}/export/pdf. We highly December release: L2021.12. EU: +44 208-144-9523. . Whether you want to integrate analytics into your business app, build unique analytics experiences or automatically manage and scale your deployment, the Sisense Data & Analytics Platform provides a suite of powerful APIs, SDKs, tools and technologies to do so and more. Will no longer be available for use in any form beginning from version L2022.11. L2022.8; L2022.9; W2022.9; L2022.10; L2022.11; New Documentation Site; Sisense Documentation Center. Using Google Ads connector for EC models with CDATA Driver, filters based on the Snowflake data models, /api/v1/export/dashboards/{dashboardId}/png, /api/v1/export/dashboards/{dashboardId}/pdf, /api/v1/export/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{widgetId}/png, /api/v1/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{id}/export/png, /api/v1/export/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{widgetId}/pdf. New default system group "All users in system", /api/v1/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{id}/export/pdf. For further detail, see Managing Date and Time Fields. This gives the Administrator more control over Sisense license allocation. 1. Data Analytics software by Sisense, the industry leader in analytics for complex data - easily prepare, analyze & explore growing data from multiple sources. 11-Sep-2018 (Ronen Avidor) - update code to correct API endpoint under 7.2 release; 3. Watch this video for an overview of selected features from this release: By entering and using this site, you consent to the use of only necessary cookies to enhance your site experience and improve our services. Google sheets with column headers that contain text and special characters in the column's headers are now supported. links) will not cause a jump. You can then import data into an ElastiCube with maximum configuration flexibility. New installations will no longer contain the Google Adwords native connector. Customers with older versions of Sisense, or who upgrade to 2022.5 or higher can use this workaround: All API tokens created before L2021.9 must be rotated. The loading time of the list of available documents is expected to take longer than usual because an additional scan of the shared documents is run. Embed SDK without initial dashboard loaded with an error. Also, the cursor does not become a pointer when hovering over empty cells. The filtered value is now highlighted in the Scatter Chart Widget when "Break by Color" is used. This release contains several security-related updates, including bug and vulnerability fixes. serverless Redshift instance, you need to provide a connection string that identifies the Redshift instance you are the different layers of the system. Nightingale authors come from varied disciplines; I've seen articles by visualization scientists, sociologists, public health experts, applied ethicists, geographers, etc. 4.7 Rating. Therefore, the "rename" There are many different names for a role that are used internally and externally. Overview. Please refer to: Sisense Inc. TIBCO Software Inc. Market Segmentation. These are a few examples of common use-cases for the REST API: For example: you could implement a widget in your own corporate website that takes data from Sisense using the JSON Analytical Query Language (JAQL) or standard SQL and the query API. Augmented Analytics Software Market Report 2023, Market Size, Share, Growth, CAGR, Forecast, Revenue, list of Augmented Analytics Software Companies, Salesforce, SAP . dashboards they were printed from. Starting from L2022.9, using the legacy exporting service for exporting dashboards Ebooks list page : 57247; 2022-11-29 PluralSight Designing Charts With Sisense; 2022-10-18 Pluralsight Designing Charts With Sisense; 2022-09-10 PluralSight Designing Charts With Sisense Bookware; 2021-12-18 Designing Charts with Sisense; 2021-12-18 Designing Charts with Sisense with Abdul Rehman Yousaf; 2021-12-18 Designing Charts with Sisense; 2023-03-01 PluralSight Getting Started With Sisense The format of the generated secret (public key) was changed to string, without line breaks, in order to meet the. This announcement pertains to the next version, and is only being included here in order to provide you with See Backing up and Restoring Sisense. as the same functions are now performed more elegantly by removing and adding the fields. The Google Adwords native connector is no longer supported because it uses Google APIs that Google deprecated. In order to use this feature, the source and destination must issue was resolved in L2022.8. Sisense is continually making improvements to the Sisense infrastructure to provide a more robust and scalable system. Sisense now supports up to 3500 values in the result set of a specific dimension (column and table). . "acr_values parameter (? For example, a CSV file can be combined This is useful if those periods do not represent your regular data behavior (for example, Holidays and COVID-19 time). High Availability Add filters before changing to time resolution. Also, . Structure and logic validations are executed towards the tokens header and payload, with descriptive human-readable error messages. January release: L2022.1. Uninstall 2022.3 (Remove Data unchecked). This is not a bug fix or an improvement; its a workaround to an existing problem. Sisense version W2022.3 is not supported with Windows HA. In the Model Editor, you can manage your data on two levels - the table level and the column level. Google invested $300 million in AI firm Anthropic which also researches AI language models, as Microsoft integrates #chatgpt with bing Anthropic has built its New installations from 2022.5 and up will no longer contain the Google AdWords native connector. Discover what the new features in Sisense's latest product release can do for you. In such cases the (, Customers performing manual migration from the desktop ElastiCube Manager to the online version of Sisense can now connect their data sources to Sisense via a generic ODBC driver. For example, if your measure can't be negative, a fraction, or over 100%, Missing values are now represented as 0 for continuous line charts (, When using a string text filter (such as items starting with or doesnt contain), null values should be excluded from results, but were not, Previewing and building an from Redshift ODBC when the specialcharacters table is selected caused an error, In some configurations, WebSockets listened on proxy URLs instead of on local addresses, When using the JAQLine add-on, if you created an external application that uses React 16+, and you loaded sisense.v1.js, React was shown as version 15+, In Chrome in tablet mode, Sisense did not display the filter selection panel, Endpoints that are logged out did not always show that they were logged out, Jump to Dashboard add-on could not open the destination dashboard in the same window if Sisense was embedded in the iFrame, Additional PostgreSQL parameters could not be applied and caused an errorWhen the result of a Pie chart was actually NULL, Sisense returned no result, instead, Widgets displayed an error if multiple conditions were met and the same formula was used more than once. by means of the REST API. Release Notes. For ElastiCubes, it is now available for custom tables and custom columns (for which it widget.changesMade('someEvent', ['metadata', 'properties_changed'])". See Using the Model Editor for more information. filter editors. (, The Angular library was updated to version 1.7.9, Sisense provides a new tool to easily configure background processes to only run JVM connectors that are currently being used. The Export to PDF and Image V2 toggle will be However, make sure to switch to the new endpoints prior to upgrading to L2022.10 Add-on Version. Plan, produce, and execute 365 content strategies and experience program that leverages data-driven insights, content standards, and customer experience advancements to increase audience size, CSAT, engagement, conversion rate, brand awareness, and sales. Learn about improved white-label control, data model list view, advanced preview limit query and more. SSO (OpenID Connect Single Sign-on) acr_values parameter is cleared from the browser after logging out. Fixed displacement of filters panel on iPad. It will be supported in a future version. currently a duplication of the default group "All users in the system". Backing Up Sisense. Viewers are able to drill into 1 hour or 15 minutes in a continuous timeline for any date dimension. This release contains several new features. Dashboard designers should add filters before changing to time resolution. Until now, Refresh Schema has only been recommend upgrading to this latest release to take advantage of any security-related updates and benefit The new method makes it possible to create a new dashboard without making use of the Sisense Sisense has an intuitive interface, operating according to the drag-and-drop mechanism. Locations of the configuration settings have changed. (. from the Sisense support and warranty. * (Documentation), Set a Default Time Zone (Salesforce Connector), In Sisense Mobile, some dashboards did not open when using the Jump to Dashboard add-on, When configuring SSO and Session Management, the default user login did not work as expected, If the connection to the web socket was lost, a warning message did not appear, Builds failed when building an ElastiCube from MSSQL when using Windows authentication, Forecast and Trendline features did not render properly for the widget when SisenseJS was used, ODBC connectors that are incompatible with Snowflake and Redshift still appeared in Sisense, If SSO was enabled in the system, an Administrator was unable to change dashboards to Owner view, In some versions of Sisense, you could not use the left-hand navigation pane to open a dashboard in a new tab, When MySQL Java Virtual Machine (JVM) was enabled in Sisense for the web and then you ran a build using the Desktop version of Sisense with a MySQL table, the build was run with the web configurations, instead of the Sisense Desktop configurations, The Google Sheets connector took a long time to load the list of sheets, When saving a PDF layout, the Shared Users' PDF Layout and Settings was not updated, The JAQLine add-on did not show the relationship icons, In certain scenarios, the Sort behavior on columns using the RSUM() formula was incorrect, If End User Scheduling was turned on, reports were triggered (but failed) when the system level Send Emails was disabled, In some cases, SisenseJS did not display ScatterMap and TreeMap widgets, When the Fiscal Year Start date was set to 1 February, and there is a filter for the "This Quarter (FY)", the error "Year Month and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime" appeared, When Sisense Narratives is enabled: The following table lists the high-level impact (or potential impact, if any) of each of these features, and how to handle it if upgrading to this version. . The Accordion add-on is useful for providing large amounts of information within a limited space. In order to match the logged in user with the filter, you must use the email as it's the only unique identified for users in Sisense; Release Notes. If you are on a small budget and looking for an affordable price, Power BI is the answer. Now the legends for the widget are displayed according to the assigned values color palette, instead of being Get the Add-on. using an Embed SDK solution with a SSO OIDC + acr_values authentication approach. If you implemented custom add-ons that affect the web application header UI, Sisense recommends that you review your plugins code and make any required updates (, Designers cannot make any changes to Sisense dashboards and widgets that are embedded in your websites or applications in View mode. What's New in Dundas BI 10.0. Due to upcoming new features the default group named Everyone was renamed to All users in system. Isolated Sisense.js V1 so that it will not affect parent application elements built using jQuery. Parameter values can now be set to the Boolean or integer data types. General security improvements and enhancements. When changing a MySQL connection, the following error was displayed "Cannot instantiate provider". For further details, see Managing Date and Time Fields. SingleStore Documentation; How SingleStoreDB Works. and widgets to PDF and PNG formats will be deprecated, and will no longer be supported in any flows initiated from We highly recommend upgrading to this latest release to take advantage of any security-related updates and benefit from the Sisense support and warranty. To correctly apply data security include the new "dataSourceTitle" parameter (containing the title of the queried data source) to each "acl" claim object. See Sisense Blox Reference. Embed SDK Security fix - This fix is for customers that are In the Installation Process wizard, click, Column chart/Area Chart shows No Result message when the first value has zeros only, When the first value in a Column chart has zeros only, a "No result" message displays, even though the widget has a no-zeros result in the second value (column). The Dependencies option does not list dashboards that are used in Elasticube Sets, - Service Pack - February 4, 2020, - Official release of Sisense V8.1.1 - January 21, 2020, - Official release of Sisense V8.1 - Dec. 31, 2019, Embed SDK Pulse build notification details were not displayed in mobile app notifications, The Excel connector adds additional columns into previews in Windows in some scenarios, Some builds failed when using Google Spreadsheets with the error: "Refresh token is expired or revoked. . Permissive open source licenses, lovingly referred to as "Anything Goes", place minimal restrictions on how others can use open source components. same format as they were in the original pivot table. This protocol is compatible with all types of embedding and can be passed via the 'ssoparams' embedding solution constructor parameter. You can now modify trend lines directly by right-clicking the trend line itself. them back into the Sisense db. New Connectors Utility, - Official release of Sisense V8.2.3 - July 6, 2020. Watch this video for an overview of selected features from this release: By entering and using this site, you consent to the use of only necessary cookies to enhance your site experience and improve our services. Download: Custom Chart OptionsVersion: 1.0.0Created Oct-23-2019 by Steve Lewis (thanks to code re-used from Elliott Herz's Custom Bar/Column chart plugin) Current Version: V1.0.0 Tested on Sisense Version: V8.0 : Unrar, Learn and Enjoy! Download. Fixed UI displaying escaped special characters. Several REST APIs endpoints for exporting Dashboard and Widgets as PDF and PNG have been deprecated and replaced with Javascript. Data is now displayed in the tooltips of the Scatter Maps widgets when latitude and longitude are used. Dashboard users, including Designers and Viewers, can now choose a monthly schedule for receiving email reports (, A link to Sisense's patents has been added to the User Profile, Some connections to Salesforce failed with the error "Cannot establish connection with provided parameters", In some scenarios, builds failed when connecting to MySQL through the Generic JDBC connector, Builds failed for MySQL if the tables contained certain special characters, The dashboard build time did not always match the build time displayed in the Data page, In some scenarios, dashboards were not displayed as expected with SisenseJS in Internet Explorer, When applying filters with the character ' included in the value for Google BigQuery live models, the error "This dashboard requires Live connection to run.

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