what happened to diane coy

How pointing out all these passages that you freely spiritualize help your claim of a literal 1,000 yr earthly reign is beyond me. If you are having trouble keeping your hands off the ladies, just stop it. My information says fired. What you are doing is accusing someone you dont know of sins that you know nothing of to deflect guilt from someone you idolize. , : - -, - -. (Update: The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy and says it had no inkling of the allegations against him.) Thats just the sad reality of sin I forgive you. Sorry Michael force not biting my tongue harder and spoiling your thread. The ecstasy of the evil one, and the sighing of the Lord begin with the actual sins of the pastor and the unfathomable wreckage now in the wake. oh yes garbage. we were gone by then. Michael has his little posse of the usual suspects, always looking for a lynching, like circling vultures at the scent of a wounded sojourner, depart from me for I never knew you, you workers of iniquity! Are the words those of your ilk will ever hear unless you repent, you shall know them by their fruits, and your fruit stinks! Who gets the title? The cost is too high for all involved. Ive seen many come and go and have seen a lot of stuff I didnt like here. E, that mindset makes your continuing sin worse as you then are aware of what you are doing is wrong but do it anyway. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. Ill be blunt. I wonder how many were out there defending Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker when they fell into sexual sin? Why was he bound and have we seen the results of that binding? In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. So this is a serious question. Not good. Where is your indignation over that? I might add, and only because I know you dont know this, but it was Jesus in the gospels who told us that he has already bound Satan. There is just NO WAY a board would put an organization this big at risk unless they were guarding something more. We just dont want to have this degenerate into a personal feud. I hadnt heard of any in my 30 years attending CC starting with CCCM in 1976 when I came to Christ. Diane Coy is on Facebook. 5. Yet Andy made about 30 comments after saying it wasnt worth talking to me. Lorenzo, http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/80920408899/what-were-reading, Lorenzo, Consider this http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/80107711769/the-libertine. We dont speculate. MLD is too old to be tempted. I can understand why you might take offense by what appears to be piling on here on a blog like this. 7 And when the THOUSAND YEARS are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the NATIONS WHICH ARE IN THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Frankly, they have been the source of the majority of the venom but I think most of us realize these are people in a sort of shock at the news, who are hurting and whose trust has been violated and are lashing out. If Coral Ridge is teaching doctrines that contradict Gods word, then Yes, they are leading Gods people astray! The word of God tells us, For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of Gods glorious standard.(Romans 3:23 NLT). When it comes to blasting issues like Gay marriage from the pulpitsCC uses newspaper, tv, radio you name it. Thanks for the attribution Michael, thats how it went down. I go by erunner as I dont know if people would know who I am if I went by Allan so even though my name is known I stick with the moniker. Michael Newham, have you ever committed adultery? Hugh said, And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well!, You hath better harken to the truth and backeth down thine misplaced anger at the messenger of the Lordyou son of a motherless goat. It is difficult to go to church and see this level of temptation going on. It probably didnt help that Doug Oldham had defected and gone from the Old Time Gospel Hour to Jimmys show. And then he quotes passages that dont contain the words he said Jesus said. Only at least Coy got caught for his stuff, my step-dad CC pastor still gets away with it. BC did not write his sermons as I understand it. Though having an affair is the most likely of the possibilities, there is NO factual confirmation of this and anybody reporting it as fact at this point is wrong. YES and his congregation knows and it was handled perfectly. That makes at least 4 Calvary Chapel pastors that I know of that have fallen in the same way. Hooked on porn for years. Im a line cook (staff member) at Calvary chapels restaurant The Grill, I went to the church staff meeting at 2:30 today (4/6/14) where this information was officially announced. Who is his congregation? I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. Resigned or fired? I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. My anger and frustration with Bob today is finally slipping toward thoughts about those poor souls who have to listen to 3 services of unrelated sermons in order to make it to an afternoon meeting where sadness and disappointment will rule the day. His church fought in 2002 to remove LGBT people from protection under Broward's Human Rights Ordinance, and Coy loudly defended George W. Bush's disastrous Iraq War: "I believe in war because it's biblical, scriptural, and religious," he told his followers in one sermon. I completely agree with you that if it had been done to my loved onesI would have kicked his sorry can up around his shoulder blades and repented later. 32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. This moral failing must be big and bad or its disclosure is an attempt to try to avoid something worse. For many people, restoration mistakenly means the duration before the erring pastor is behind the pulpit again. MLD is a long time blogger here and a Lutheran NOT a Calvinist. We teach the young men of God to watch for these three attacks. Is all sin equal to God? He claims his record as pastor at Calvary Chapel was unblemished by sexual harassment or molestation claims. I have been stating 61 million. The rock band that usually played raucous hymns to start services was missing. Preparations for Sharons operation had begun inFire Country episode 15. , ; , . The fact that this is a family-oriented show is one of the aspects that contributes to the shows overall depth, and we dont want to see that aspect altered in the least. As of September 2017 1,800 churches operated with locations in all 50 states across the United States of America, and others internationally. Good luck with that bridge. That was their choice, not mine. Praying for all involved and also praying for those casting stones and pointing fingers. So his wife and kids just need to realize that this is the reality of life and BC is no worse or better than the average man, perhaps even a better man a stronger man, who is going through this facing the ravenous wolves that most of you have become! Thak you for sparing me hahaha, I already had my sleep for the night, and for not trying to make me a Calvin disciple, I see how they turn out hahaha! It must be ok to allow our men to struggle with viewing women in tight clothes, low-neck shirts, or high skirts. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. Make your own application. Andy, How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. Chuck Missler and John Hagee wrote exactly what you are trying to sell. Hey , Martin Luthers disciple, You might be better off being a disciple of Jesus ! Brother, you need a hug. They had plenty of time to tell their people and they already had prepared for their family meeting. just a kind reminder that Pastor Bob coy and his family are human beins with feelings and I cant reconcile my mind why something like this that could cause so much harm especially to his two children you would proceed with. the Daimler-Chrysler Design Excellence award twice, and earned him entry into the Grand National Roadster Show Hall of Fame, the SEMA Hall of Fame, the Route 66 Hall of Fame, and the National Rod & Custom Museum Hall of Fame. how do you know Pastor Bob wasnt victimize? I love God and Jesus so much that is why I feel and pray the best for Bob Coy and his family. CAKEGATE 2023: Bad Bunny's Restaurant Accused of Gobbling Birthday Girl's Cake, Death Train: A Timeline of Brightline Fatalities in South Florida UPDATED, Neighborhood Nazi Jon Minadeo Peddles Hate by the Minute, Sen. Rubio's Permanent Daylight Savings Bill Sees Light of Day Once More, NFL Legend Ray Lewis Joins World Jai-Alai League Board of Directors, Affordable New "Micro-Units" Slated for Little River, Edgewater. Would the owner of this blog if he was a Christian be relishing and rejoicing in the fall of a Christian pastor, if he was a Christian? I personally put together four events where many who visit here got together in person and had great food and time together. Evidently the vast reach doesnt include responsibility to inform all those reached. Otherwise, at least he doesnt get rich off of Jesus and doesnt bilk people of their money and tows the moral line he lays down. Did she die? What about Calvary Chapel West Palm Beach, did that one survive the CC Florida curse? Also there were pledge meetings. To Andy (#652), Good points. An ongoing issue. It was the Catholics then the reformed then the anabaptists to our modern movements of which CC was one, we shall have to wait and see what will be the next movement God raises, hey dont be so sad, CC had a good run, what was that like 50 years? Perhaps Michael or Alex could follow up with that and find out. If you believe the preterist Calvinist view Ive got a bridge in San Francisco I can sell you! ( |o )====:::Convenient answer, ======= or whoever you are. Interesting point and something Brodersen/CCCM and Smiths/TWFT are battling overthe IP of Chuck Smith and if his work was his or the property of CCCM. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. It's still not clear how Coy's sexual indiscretions came to light in 2014. A man of that importance-you dont think would have been brought before the congregation and prayed off as they have done in the past with others who have left? The fact of the matter is, this doctrine has probably been used by Coy over the years to strike at others. That has calmed my spirit a little. A core of my current belief system is that none are truly transformed when they are saved. Youre right. Were you directed by the Holy Spirit? If so how can one person handle it all? Id wager something huge that Bob is not who they all think he is. and join the scoffers and Mockers, then you will know that Im not speaking Gods word to you! This my sister is a 4 part series for who ever your present Pastor is and I think this is the perfect time for all Pastors to pray about this teaching. IMO, in situations such as these adultery and the sexual temptation is not the core issue but is rather a symptom. Thank you for the many years you have pastored Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, through your words and Gods grace my husband got saved. That body recommends candidates for higher legal office to the governor. In searching for that video- I see it was in end November 2013- only 4 1/2 months ago- not graduation..even worse.. "Religious leaders have a tremendous amount of power over their flock," says Scott Thumma, a professor of sociology of religion at Hartford Seminary who has studied the Calvary movement. CNN's Coy Wire recalls being on the field when play continued after two catastrophic football injuries - as a college player and while playing with the Buffalo Bills, who must now cope with what . As she saw how the machinery kept him alive after his spirit had died, she knew that was not the fate she wanted for herself. KMOA. Trusting in Gods providence, protection, provision and direction, the staff of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale will continue our mission to make disciples, through regular services at all campuses and through myriad other ministries the church has established over the years.. Give it to God. Below is a summary of our core beliefs which are developed in more detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. ATTENTION TO RIGHT HOLDERS! What do you wish to accomplish with this? Paul dealt with this. Really? This whole thing is hard on you, but it doesnt justify what youre doing. That is so true. I have just called the church and confirmed. E, my atheist friends know right from wrong. Coral Ridge is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). If he was a preacher of grace and not telling me what to do on the radio this might not be so hypocritical. Peace. Michael, they always try to make you the bad guybut we know you are clean. For weeks we have had to listen to bozos saying that we are hypocrites for saying certain unmentionable behavior is wrong while not dealing with this type. It is surreal that the reason why I visited here over 6 years ago was because of this man and his actions against my family. This is bad for the pastor, bad for the general congregation. "The media ministry of the Active Word that distributes his Bible teachings through radio, television and digital media has also been suspended. I dont care if its Billy Graham, Chuck Smith or John Calvin himself who came back from the dead if they should appear and teach contrary to the word of God, they are to be rejected. Did he leave the country? MLD, I dont know anything about Babylons Dread. Throwing me under the bus is not a wise or godly decision. Beating a brother up as you mention Im sure is not what Jesus meant by loving your enemy and turning the other cheek! Come on. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. Ixtlan, Yes I completely understand this. Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now.. March 4, 2023. Youve turned the sad reality of sin into flaming arrows of hate and spite towards eachother instead of being Christ-like and loving the sinner (everyone). And prior to my outcries there was at least an additional decade of no accountability for the same sins. It was catholic Augustine that popularized the false amillennial position, since he envisioned the catholic church as taking control of the world (dominionism back before it was widespread). it is right there in your favorite Rev 20 passage. Was a 2nd announcement made today at services? Did anyone see Fireproof? Let this be a sign to you, that if by this time next year calamity has not befallen you, to teach you to not malign Gods work and kingdom! He attended machinist trade school and completed a three-year apprenticeship in machining. Antonio, I think you were best served by disagreeing with MLD. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to our hearts. Doug Sauder, 44, was announced as the new lead pastor to a standing-ovation crowd at a Wednesday evening service. he returns to earth 2.) Maybe more need to hear it. You dont have to answer that. The language of this episode smacks of a scenario like the one I just described. This will blow up to be a lifetime deal on Coys part. Let them tear eachother apart like wolves. I dont think so. Well when you do bad stuff and get caught sometimes you have to pay a price and Im not sure it is the best thing for churches to put guys right back in Positions of Trust and power over folks telling them how to live and what to do etc. It never is. I lean towards Calvinism but not even close to Dominion-ism. MLD, nothing in your 708 says that the 1000 years of Revelation, are figurative. We are all vulnerable. Nobody is perfect. It is no doubt that BC did a lot of good. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1 ESV). No, your position has replaced Jesus Christ who is the sum and substance of all prophecy, with the nation state of Israel. Also, do you know that the powers-that-be removed numerous bushes that night from which the fatal shot was fired? Your. But apparently, any way you get the crowd is OK. #489 Fidel came to Ft Lauderdale with BC but left to start his own church. {} 10 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the root of Jesse, that standeth for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the nations seek; and his resting-place shall be glorious. WHY WHY WHY? This sorrow proceeding merely from the fear of punishment, is called legal repentance, as being excited by the terrors of legal penalties, and it may exist without an amendment of life. We are living in times unlike any other time in history, when did you ever hear of kids sexting, porn at the click of a button, drugs (marihuana) legalized, same sex marriage being made the law of the land, its a war the Bible says that is raging with the devil knowing that his time is short, woe onto you inhabitants of the earth for the devil comes down to you with great wrath knowing that his days are short So we have casualties of war, BC is a casualty of this war, one who needs healing and restoration, not expulsion and condemnation! The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Bakker still owes the IRS about $6 million. Lol. But with false doctrine he said But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray.. You are an idiot. Why are we sitting there looking at people performing on stage anyway? I agree, lets drop the rocks and pray for Pastor Bob and his family. We all had the church turn its back on us as if we were liars and the pastor had his boardaka henchmen literally try to chase my family out of town to keep us quiet. Hey 99.9% of guys do or they are lying! Pastor Bob will be focusing his full attention on his personal relationship with God and with his family. - -, - : - , -, , . This post is the work of SATAN. no venom) ..I know too well the disappointment of which you speak. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. Thank you, pstrmike. 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. Wow I did not know there were so many perfect people in the world. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. The majority of this thread is a disgrace to anyone who calls themself a Christian. I am not particularly attractive and it never ceases to amaze and disgust me when men will make a fool out of themselves in front of me and horribly, in front of their wives. But since the binding of Satan, the word has gone all over the word. My step-dad CC pastor did that same thing as well. "We need answers.". I dont think so, would the owner of a Christian blog be joining in the attacks and ridicule directed towards a fallen brother? See Against Heresies, Book V. He was refuting arch heretics Marcion and Valentinus who taught amillennialism. Something that no one else has held before or after Luther? My Prayers and heart go to Bob Coy and his family. All to help him and his family get over this. I would point out a few things. John Buttera obituary in Hot Rod Magazine: "Boyd Coddington, Hot Rod King, Dead At Age 63", "Iconic "Cadzzilla" Part of New Exhibit at Saratoga Automobile Museum", "Boyd Coddington, 63, King of Hot Rods, Dies", "Troubled Company Reporter BOYDS WHEELS: Third Quarter Report", "Boyd Coddington, Hot Rod Hero, Dies at 63", Boyd Coddington, 63; custom car designer starred on 'American Hot Rod' Los Angeles Times, Boyd Coddington Helps Exhume Buried 1957 Plymouth Belvedere in Tulsa, Oklahoma, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boyd_Coddington&oldid=1124304394, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 07:41. No one even asked. Even the disciples were surprised by what happened. As someone who has been a casualty of infidelity, such candor and humility helps to answer some of my own long unhealed hurts from that time. thou shalt not have moral failure with thy church women who arent thy wife, thus sayeth The Lord! Matt Tague, former assistant pastor at North Coast Calvary Chapel in San Diego, was fired by the church after he was arrested in May on six counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a minor under 14 years old. Im sure that there are many churches in the FtL area that, while not mega in size, would be a good fit for many of you in the work of the ministry. AND HAVE YOU EVER VIEWED PORNOGRAPHY, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME, AND WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR YOUR EXCOMMUNICATION? Jesus really dropped the ball. So, that right I have no sympathy especially for what may be coming Bob Coys way. Although the first few notes of this cacophony of criticism were low (but, perhaps on pitch), the horn blowing quickly turned discordantmaking it difficult to distinguish the original theme. Hugh, Yeah, I agree completely with Neo, You really, really need a hug. His church believed that lie for another ten years, until he finally got a young woman, a babe in Christ, pregnant and so FINALLY the church and his wife kicked him out. Bible preaching and teaching is being dumbed down, so that you have to read everything literally, imposing 21 century ideas of history and science on the text, or your not a faithful Christian. I have absolutely no sympathy for the adulterer. local news and culture, Tim Elfrink It works so it is a kind of method of delivery now. Bob did this, not me. I stand corrected. It was about Joshua getting into the promised land-thats why I had thought it was graduation. Pastor Bob was my pastor for 20 years, and my heart is broken. Many get off drugs w/o evangelical christianity, many turn themselves around from alcohol or gambling or other vices w/o evangelical christianity. Just my two cents. My first teaching exposure at CCFtl was about Hosea and Gomer. I know that Michael uses some strict criteria before he publishes. In other news: It has been confirmed Goonies 2 is happening! Thank you. It is a full cycle of seasons, as it is passing over him. . Which sin are you guilty of? 2:10). Every man gets tired of the same ole same ole and wants a little variety, some men just hide it better than others, or they find the outlet through porn or in their imagination, every man has a file cabinet with all kinds of images and scenes and past experiences that he pulls out when the need arises, so all those men criticizing another in this area are hypocrites. In time. California officials considered this a "ship of Theseus" fraud, claiming that so many central elements were replaced, the cars ceased to be the same entity. Coy became a key endorsement for local Republicans, including conspiracy theorist U.S. Rep. Allen West, whom Calvary hosted as a keynote speaker at a conference to train more than 100 local conservatives to run for office more effectively. I have been lurking the past few days and your rabid attacks on Michael are evidence of your profound dissatisfaction with yourself and your need to project your own dissonance on him, me or others who you refuse to dialog with. A poor man has the few options left to him when she leaves him with his shame. Pastor bob always taught us to keep our eyes on Christ not man. Shouldnt these posts be cathartic? 87 . So after some unspecified "very embarrassing behavior," Capitol fired him. Lorenzo, You have an obsessive form of projection, as evidenced by your post here, from your viewing of pornography and thinking of other women while youre being intimate with your wife. And what about the women who throw themselves at a man saying suggestive things zany wearing provocative clothing with the intent of tempting them? Answer mine first! You must have wrote it after I closed the thread. My thought when I was there was Doesnt the first person feel ripped off? Coys position on Israel is moot if his relationship with his wife is on the rocks. I dont like that at all. You and I argue a lotbut Im in agreement with you on this matter. Mary! There's no question he wants back in the game," Newnham says. All. God is and will continue to deal with Bob. His name was Herod. Your soteriological arrogance is nauseating. Flynn, Can you show me where your Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, ??? I am sure a church that size had plenty of people who did not attend last week as they likely miss from time to time. The Apostle Peter in Acts 2 at Pentecost states that Christ sitting on Davids throne is a present day event. There are MANY CC satellite churches in this whole region, all 3 counties, that beam him in via video for Sunday services all of them depend on BCs teaching and preaching. Bad choices can entrap us, but with God we can hope for healing in this situation. You can listen at their website. It provokes mockery and rage, but very rarely a constructive response.

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