american community survey refusal 2021

It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. I am not saying that the US government would or could ever go to this extreme but, for the purposes of garnering ever more political power and authority over the citizenry, I have no illusions about how far this government will go. [26] I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. Firm, clear refusal and don't even hint that you have any fear of their authority. The census has gone outside the Constitutional limits for years with what they ask on the actual survey and now this? "; "What is your favorite color on Thursday afternoons between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.? While talking to the ACS lady on the phone I found out they didn't have a complete address and had sent me a form. Helping this corrupt government "function" is the same thing as helping this corrupt government go kill more people, invade our privacy, tax our income, levy fines, issue permissions slips and tattoo our butts. For example, in 2013 after the 2010 census, Florida gained two seats in the House, while New York lost two. Thank you for answering, I am grateful for this site, but hesitant to put email addy, or other info about me. Passive resistance is no longer an option. I gave them my name and not much more. New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your inbox. All i have to do is tell some temporary worker my family's medical history, financial history, and of course, what time we can be burglarized (oops, I mean the time of day that we leave and come home from work). We did not return the census, and received continuous letters and threats. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. I just don't answer the door. I told him that was fine. He said he'd pass that along. This has been going on for almost three months and has caused tremendous stress in our household. Somehow big brother got out phone number (it's unlisted) and started calling, and we blocked him. do i have right to due process? Thank God that we still live in a country where we can still tell a thug where to go. I am so glad to see I am not alone in not wanting to fill out this survey. (Same woman who was no longer employed with the census). Anyone else with other info/advice is politely requested to add their two cents. Happy evading! She then said "so you are refusing". I assume that's why they have come again. Don't be rude to the people who are sent out to your house because you think you're too "special" to answer your census. Let this letter be the third request that you respect my privacy and my requests. Apparently my post office would not send it to me. Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? He stated I would receive no further calls from the census but the next contact would be from the Justice department. As a result of widespread concern and perhaps out of frustration with the survey, several websites have been set up to provide public forums for recipients of the ACS. Nobody should answer the ACS survey. I have one final question for anyone who thinks this is just an overreaction to a few census questions: If George Bush and Dick Cheney were sitting in the White House, and Halliburton was storing the data, would you still feel the same way? anon77096: Why would anybody want federal funding for anything? If you do/have, chances are your information is already out in the open for various public/private agencies. Just one question, what could the $1 billion could have been spent on other than conducting a poll? I also ignored the mailed survey. When approached by census officials I will state that my religious beliefs prohibit giving any information beyond my name and the number of people in my house. I told him that was correct. He came to my door anyway. The worker harassed him and told him he had to answer the question or he would be in trouble with the police. I hope it's not too late for us. !Now I have to pay for temp workers who have my private info to sell overseas maybe???? The last person who called our home sounded like he was contracted through India? We need to ban together and not cave in on this. I put up with some minor harassment and then after a few weeks it stopped. This is plain wrong! We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. i have nothing to hide but i shouldn't be forced to tell anyone anything and that's what makes me mad!!! The highly sensitive personal information provided on the ACS form gets keyed into a master data bank. Should you have further questions or need legal assistance in exercising your constitutional rights, please contact the Legal Department at ), What in the world is wrong with you people? but who gets the census??? 0607-810 expired on 05/31/2008. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. I thought to myself, now they are going to harass them. Like its children it seems it wants us to be happy and being so it has empowered us to live our dreams freely, Know you are worth it, see it and feel it and it will be. I'm waiting for the harassment to begin! Are we having a problem differentiating between the Census and the ACS? She was really trying to get the information and finally gave up and told me she will write down that I refused. It is just such a sick country now. * Compared to other measured TV manufacturers in the 2022 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey of customers. Why would anyone want to "help the government function" (interfere in our private lives)? She said she would mark me down as 'refused' If someone actually shows up I am going to take control of the interview and video my demand that they leave and not come back, and their response. Ethical considerations. A: The American Community Survey, a questionnaire produced by the Census Bureau, not only asks about the number of persons in a household but also asks a broad range of questions about the activities of the people living in the household. I sure am glad I ran across this site. If you can't see why many people have a problem with the ACS then I'll never be able to explain it to you. The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. According to Title 13, Section 221 (Census, Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers) of the United States Code, persons who fail or refuse to respond to the mail-back census form, or refuse to respond to a follow-up census taker, could be fined up to $100. If Big Brother wants to bring the law so be it. I am looking into who passed legislation to approve this questionnaire. My husband and daughter fielded a few of them and honestly told the workers they didn't have the information or the form so they'd have to try to catch me. I will fill in my name, address, and very few pieces of information. After reading the notes on this site, I decided - ACSdestination, shredder. The consumers argue in the complaint that although the defendants claim to have statutory authority to compel citizens to answer the survey, the authorization to collect information does not equate to the power to compel the production of information, especially when such information is not required for the ten-year Census. We filled in very basic info and did put in the drive times. This scared him and on top of that, he did not know most of the answers to the questions. Turns out, the worker knew where my husband works and called him there shortly after. i get home don't even get out of the parking lot, she pulls up. Go Tea Party! anon82113: umm, I worked for the census too. this person got in the building somehow! They have to get past the doorman first. I never will. Thus, if they want a specific task force to track illegals and tax invading americans, then so be it. Ha! In 1960, the gap was . Years ago someone told me that the information can be used in a book (that may or may not be in your library) that is published showing where you work, how long you lived at your residence, etc. ACS is relatively new, it has merely replaced the "long form," as it was known, of the decennial census, which has been around for a very long time, and asked similar questions. Got a phone call wanting the birth dates. all the government tries to say if they want you to do something is say "its the law" thinking people will run and do what they say. why are they taking polls for illegals? [34] The Census Bureau provides guidelines that prevent harassment or late night calls, although some ACS recipients have complained of getting several calls a day. This is proof that the government of the USA is anything but the servant that it was created to be. I sent in the Census form (and that's all I'm required to provide). You may have noticed over the past week on the news, many articles about the new situation in American families where the wife is now the major bread winner/wage earner. Go Obama Care. What do you really think they use the information for? When we do the ACS on the phone, we do not ask for your SS #, we do not ask how many times you go to the bathroom. The information from the Census should suffice for the allotment of federal funds for schools and roads. My high school son came home and read the questions and his first response was "this is communist." I even gave them the date I mailed it on. I told her to get a US Marshal with a warrant. This is to help the community -- like heck. You cannot be fined or worse for not filling out the survey. to be human so be sure to count them in as well! Read more here: Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Claims. But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. More money from the government for that extra lane of highway to make my commute faster. I work for one of the phone centers for the Census Bureau. I filled it out. In 2000 I threw the forms in the trash only to receive three visits at my door. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. Start Here . We are still Americans and do not need to share personal information against our will. A tactic that is used too frequently in our society as a means of control. Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime falls within section 3559, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. The next day I saw this guy talking to my neighbor and figured he was submitting him to the same harassment I had received. Mind your own business. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public. I wish you luck. Government entities do illegal things. And then I get this BS from a government agency? The less you say to them the faster they stop bothering you. That resulted in a letter from the director assuring me of privacy, etc. And this has gone to the supreme court and has been upheld on account that it is important to get accurate numbers. Please confirm. While the long form was administered once a decade to a sample of households receiving the universal short-form census, the ACS is an ongoing survey of 3.5 million addresses annually (295,000 homes/month). We received the form last spring. Recipients of the American Community Survey are told several times that the information given is necessary for the operation of our government, is very secure and is kept private. How can a census do any good for schools when these people are never turned away from schools and hospitals and welfare lines? During the last survey I chose not to fill it out. There are friends who ask me if I want to put up with the harassment from the government -wouldn't it be easier to just give in and give the information to them? The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. Subscribe. according to the constitution it limits the government's ability to do anything but enumerate. One recipient who did complete the survey but whose answers were misplaced by the Census Bureau wrote about his experience. If the enumerators cannot get this info from the Social Security Administration or the local state tax boards then there must be a reason why not! And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer. Three days later, the supervisor came out. They will report any threats or harassment (allegedly), so be careful how you respond to them. The gov has lost what is called common sense and buried it under a ton of manure. If they aren't paying my bills they don't have a need to know how much they are. I am literally getting up to six phone calls a day, mass mailings, and mass e-mails. Do some research for "0810" without the quotes and you'll find that OMM no. I actually worked for the Census in 1970. You fill it out and keep it moving- we don't want to. We didn't send in the regular 2010 one and they came by the house. According to the letter, responses to the "American Community Survey" help communities to decide where important services are needed, including improving roads and reducing traffic, building. Standing up for my rights in L.A. Why not just give em complete BS answers. Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. Keep liberty free and stand up for your countries constitutional rights. Thomas Jefferson. Interesting. We sent in the form with the number of people, then called the girl who left a note on our door. American will also allow most passengers barred from flying for mask noncompliance "to resume travel at some point in time," Gatten said in an earnings call on Thursday. And I am not speaking in terms of Democrat or Republican affiliation the drug of power knows no party boundaries. God bless America and individual freedom! . Where do we call to report this abuse? Any thoughts? The agent asked about receiving the survey and I informed him that mailed addressed to "resident" was not the responsibility of any named occupant to open but I was also familiar with the unconstitutional intrusion of the personal questions in such a survey and the corporate partners with which the data is shared. Access to COVID-19 vaccines was not an issue, given that 93% of . To posters 190 and 191: Thank you for your input and advice. He was very surprised. You can search the internet and find many references to threats of a fine, but you won't find anyone who has ever been fined. Keep your posts coming! I may not bother with this anyway. This is a very big, complicated country we live in. When I got to the financial questions I thought - what?? is a group of online professionals (designers, developers and writers) with years of experience in the legal industry. The US government already has all the information they need on people who file their annual income tax. The times they are a-changing. I don't feel they need to know all the crap they are asking. Originally, I sent in the census form for the property stating zero occupants, then was called by a Census worker. I am glad I am not myself the lunatic fringe. Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. This government is OUT OF CONTROL! Are you kidding? I am being harassed and threatened. A 72 year old lady showed up at my door yesterday (I being a 65 year old great grandmother), and told me I did not fill my form out properly and it got "kicked out". From original poster #188: I heard the head of the Census on NPR this morning. I finally left a voice mail for the person who kept calling me that if I got one more call or personal visit, I was contacting my state senator and tell him I was being harassed. He handed me the form which I took and threw in the fireplace, in his view, while he said they'll send more people out. I not only told them that I sent it in, but added that if I received another call, I would report it as harassment, and hung up immediately. Keep up the good fight! answers to this "anonymous" survey, my information would necessarily be identifiable, perhaps through my address, for at least some period of time. I said if this "government guy" wanted to talk to me, I would immediately reserve my right to remain silent until I was represented by counsel. Filled out the short form minus birth dates. I was really hoping she would stick around and argue with me some more, I was kind of of enjoying it because I knew there wasn't anything she could do. Typically, the Census Bureau will telephone those who do not respond to the survey and may visit their homes to coerce the targets to respond. So get a clue, and if you are so upright and truthful, use your real name. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. Keep being sheep. I have received two of them so far in January 2010 and I am ignoring both. We will then see them online. I already returned that info in the original census last year. This appears to be the same scenario as the ACS. At first I thought this was the census under another name, then as I read it I could not believe how invasive it was. Share the creative ways you use American Community Survey data to make decisions. TheAmerican Community Survey(ACS) helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. In 2000 I refused to fill mine out. Its as if this part of the government wants to create dirt on someone if they can find it! [22] For 12 of those categories, the information is used to assist private corporations. He gave his name and the number of people living here and refused to answer anything else. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? As a result, Congressional districts will need to be redrawn. We randomly sample addresses in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. 1. I have a meeting with my congressional representative this morning to let him know that I am not returning this form, and to hand him personally the form that I was sent. If you give them a little info they will keep at you until you give in. One week later, we got two more phone calls in one night because I hung up on the caller and he called back 20 minutes later. I am proud to be an American, but not very proud of our government. They have been to my house, my place of business, also calling my place of business and if told I am busy they inform me they will call again in one hour.

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