malleus monstrorum the trove

Once one becomes marked by Iod, the resultant pursuit appears to be a relentless hunt, even crossing into other dimensions or Possible Blessings Film of Shadow: the follower drinks from the liquid that covers and drips from the deity (usually, Iod forces one of its arms into the persons mouth, which then proceeds to open and vomit this foul liquid directly into the persons stomach). The possession is permanent (or lasts as long as Tulzscha desires), but can be broken using certain banishing spells. Attacks per round: 1 (strike and swallow) Strikes out with its coiled tendrils that have a range of 30 yards/meters. If reduced to zero hit points, Daoloth implodes. Given its current subterranean location, one assumes it would be extraordinary if any such seeds found their way to Mars surface, into space, and on to Earth. As time passes (as determined by the Keeper), the affected person begins to lose one point of Sanity per day as their obsession takes hold, while their appearance worsens with the onset of strange diseases (causing some to wear featureless masks). Each Keeper should determine whether the gods outstretched hand actually means death or transformation; and, if transformation, what shape and form this might take. Ghoul cults to the deity do exist, although these are small when compared to the religion of Mordiggian. Powers Contact: when manifesting, Chorazin preys on the minds of everyone within a 10-mile (16 km) radius, instigating an initial Sanity roll (1D4/1D6+2 loss) when folks realize their radio, tv, or another device is directly talking to them. Encounters Touch of Pain: anything touched by Cxaxukluth instantly burns and melts (inflicting 10D6 damage). Only time will tell. Should the Pallid Masks be removed, the pseudopods behind may extend forth to strike or kiss opponents, or, instead, the King may use its gaze (see above) to instill dire fear in onlookers. AboutPressCopyrightContact. The accounts continue, stating that Ghizguth sank to the ocean floor and did not stir for 1,000 years, and, on waking, found itself trapped beneath mountains. Note that none of the quotations are attributed to any particular person or text, allowing the Keeper to also use these as information drawn from a Mythos tome or journal. Consequently, the priesthood is believed to placed curses upon their tombs to ward against robbers and those who would desecrate the blessed dead. Encounters The work of the Cult of Sebek, whether original immortal members or their descendants, are likely to be found guarding cult tombs. Encounters While direct encounters with Cthylla are most unlikely (unless somehow finding oneself wandering around Rlyeh), those seeking to keep this deity a secret may come sharply into focus for anyone using the gods name in public or otherwise attempting to undertake research in this area. Other names: Charnel One, Old Gnaw, Worm of Corruption. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. As a result, a human would be unable to move until the Old One departs (a process likely to cause a human host to die, if they havent already died from some new and horrific lifeform bursting from their chest or head). Alternatively, may smash into opponents with its bulk. Most who summon the entity are seldom rewarded in quite the way they expect, and all display 176 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters Seemingly, this Old One hardly ever visits Earth and is only brought here by the summons of others. One might assume that given a period of enforced fasting, Byatis may decrease in size, allowing it some relative freedom within its dungeon home. ", "An important entry in the 7th Edition library the breadth of the project is authoritative and all-inclusive. While there appears to be little more motive than the desire to engorge itself on human flesh and minds, some suggest that there is more going on, with the entity itself performing some kind of elaborate ritual, played over the decades. The Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum on Roll20 includes: A combined Compendium with all book assets, including rules pages for presenting the mythos and monsters from both volumes. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. One reference suggests Kassogtha and Cthulhu are brother and 122 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS sister (if such terms are applicable), although the former seems to have no known association with Xoth, said to be the originating planet of Cthulhu and its kin. Occasionally, a sorcerer may call to Fthaggua to request a boon, usually a plea to enact some dire revenge upon others, cursing them to a flaming death by having Fthaggua unleash a swarm of fire vampires. Initially, such machines may provide advanced reasoning, calculations, and other technical wonders surpassing other contemporary work, and then later begin to exhibit selfthought and individual intelligence. Is this Deity corporeal or insubstantial? TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: ABHOTH STR 200 CON 500 SIZ 400 DEX 05 Hit Points: 90 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 (only +1D6 per pseudopod) Build: 7 Move: 0 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (pseudopod whip, seize) Those who would approach Abhoth are met and harried by its monstrous spawn that continually birth from its body. Feed: the grabbed victim is pulled into the Old Ones body, where its many fur-like tentacles pierce the skin and begin to suck blood (1D6+1 damage per round)see Hunger page 182. See, his spindly and taloned fingers rise to lift the hood of his gown, reveal the Pallid Mask within! Dark Aura: whether living or existing as bones, this entity exudes a dark aura that causes humans to feel tired and depressed. A huge, floating mass of dark cancerous flesh on which grew countless boil-like growths, some of which formed into eyes, while others parted to reveal mouths of shark-like teeth. Thoughts of deep and dark things lurking in the depths may plague the dreams of those somehow touched by Ghizguth. The target may resist with an opposed POW roll. An apostrophe indicates a compacted short-I sound. Thus, the cult of Utulls-Hrher seems to grow by assimilating and reshaping other cults. Perhaps seeing Ghatanothoa reveals some portion of this truthso awful as to destroy a person where they stand. Of course, where snakes are concerned, foolish and/or hateful actions toward serpents may bring Yig or its followers attentions. Abhoth, Aforgomon, Aihais, Atlach-Nacha, Book of Eibon, Brood of Ubbo-Sathla, Cold Ones, Cxaxukluth, Cykranosh, Daughter of Atlach-Nacha, Eibon, Ghizguth, Hziulquoigmnzhah, Mordiggian, Mount Voormithadreth, Mhu Thulan, Parchments of Pnom, Quachil Uttaus, Ravormos, Rlim Shaikorth, Spawn of Abhoth, Testament of Carnamagos, Tsathoggua, Ubbo-Sathla, Voormis, Vulthoom, White Worm, Yaksh, Yikilth, Yquaa, Zothique, Ziulquaz-Manzah, and ZulBha-Sair copyright 2020 the Estate of Clark Ashton Smith. Get the rulebook here. In addition, once the milk has been consumed, a human should attempt a Hard CON roll (this roll may be made in secret by the Keeper): if failed, the human begins to develop growths on their abdomen, which over 2D6 days form into horrendous alien teats that produce milkif this milk is consumed by another, they regain 1D4 hit points and lose 1D6 Sanity points per drink per day (i.e. Guess what, I don't hate them anymore! When roused to move, they purposefully make their way to a target and attempt to place their hands on the persons forehead. The radius of the Great Old Ones zone of cold is 1 mile per magic point it expends, and the effect lasts for 1 hour per magic point expended; Aphoom Zhah is always at the center of the coldness. Indeed, some believe the Behemoth found in the Bible ( Job: 40:1524) is a reference to this entity (here, said to be a sea monster), although others discount the placement. Transformation: a human might be instantly transformed into a full ghoul, or be blessed with ghoul-like fangs and/or claws. In encountering the deity, ones stomach begins to churn, and the mounting atmosphere of tension causes excessive sweating and heightens senses. The one on the trove isn't the book, it's just a handout for a seminar from 2007. so you don't have to wait. In modern times, such cults are rare, and often hide their true intentions and beliefs behind a mask of holy fire and retribution, using the Church as a shield. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll, but, failing this, if they succeed with a Luck roll, their arms are not pinned and they make initiate attacks without penalty. If reduced to zero hit points, Han fades away to nothingness. In addition, such people may inadvertently open a channel to the Dark Mother and find that entitys thoughts entering their minds and directing them to even more outlandish outcomes. At such times, this being appears to court the favor of humanity, offering chosen people the temptations of power, wealth, or hidden knowledge, as well as other delights, for certain services. Each is illustrated by images of 'historical' art such as paintings, statues, reliefs etc. Upon two great wings it flew and with two large crab-like claws did it grab and crush those who ran screaming before it. Note: the Other Gods are some of the beings that dance blindly and idiotically in the court of Azathoth at the center of space and time. (Great Old One) Behold the white flame! 42 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS BUGG-SHASH insane and they become vessels for Bugg-Shash to interact with our world. Immune to all physical attacks (incl. Perhaps the deity will one day manifest (again?) Others may find themselves caught in the midst of waring wizards using the blessings of Yibb-Tstll in the attempt to master or murder the other. It reforms in 1D100+500 days. Magic POW: 150 Magic Points: 30 Spells: none. If reduced to zero hit points, The Black fades to nothingness, causing any nightgaunts to rapidly depart. These artifacts are said to hold a portion of the Old Ones power, which one can feel and hear when first touchedthey are icy to the touch and the Old Ones howl can be heard briefly when picked up. Of interest to scholars is the formation of the Red Spot, which science took note of in 1830, although contemporary analysis suggests the Red Spot may have existed since before 1665, which gives it a lifespan of around 360 years. Note that one form may be identified by a different name and possess a variation of appearance. 2 talking about this. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. If reduced to zero hit points, Yu-mengtis explodes in a shower of offal. Perhaps, it would be better to describe it as a combination of vegetable and flesh (in human terms), although most scholars agree that there are layers or portions of it that exist only in higher dimensions, which our eyes and senses cannot comprehend. The two foremost limbs were raised up, revealing webbed fingers ending in long nails. Flame Lash Cast Away (mnvr) Dodge 75% (37/15), damage 3D6 (ignores mundane armor) 75% (37/15), damage 6D6 (see above) 80% (40/16) Armor None. Little is known of such matters, only that if this interpretation holds any truth then such aged beings may be far greater in magnitude and scope and beyond all hope of understanding. Other times, Lilith may manifest in reality wearing some human-seeming mask, and, again, to impart some information designed to influence or task a person or group. POW is determined as 3D6+5 multiplied by 5 and ignores the hosts own POW value. One kilometer from Essen Main Station and 31 km from Dsseldorf International Airport (DUS), our non-smoking hotel is by the Market Church, Philharmonic Essen, and Borbeck Water Castle. Other names: Arwena, Babalon/Babylon, Lady of Abominations, the Huntsman, the Red Woman. Powers Prophecy: can provide accurate insights into the future; sometimes, Han will ask if the recipient is willing to give something for the information (their worship, an action of some nature, an object), while at others the message is free. Fighting KASSOGTHA (Great Old One) Cloaked in a halo of ochre-colored light, floats this great mass of blue-tinted and disease-infested coils of flesh, like some conglomeration of intestinal pipes, perhaps miles long, ever moving and sliding, knotting and unknotting in unhealthy rhythm. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: Augury, Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Fist of YogSothoth, Summon (various monsters); others dealing with time and space at the Keepers discretion. Sometimes, when enough have been transformed, a great urge for destruction possesses their minds, driving them to travel across land to sack and destroy communities. Most scholars agree that the Dark Mother may take similar but different forms when appearing to other alien races, such as seeming mi-go like when manifesting among those strange creatures. Those theorizing the link to the Dark Mother have claimed that these rituals brought forth Utulls-Hrher as ShubNigguraths avatar or herald. Of course, the affected persons whole attention is focused on the puzzle, so they are unable to feed or care for themselves, and require others to attend to them and feed them. Hastalk, bringer of change Sanity Loss: 1D4/1D8 Sanity Points to encounter Hastalk through a microscope. If reduced to zero hit points, the body possessed by Ygolonac crumples to the ground while the Old Ones mind returns to it lair. SHUB-NIGGURATH: KEEPER OF THE MOON-LENS, THE (Avatar) Im glad to say I witnessed the Goatswood festivities from afar, perched and hidden in the garret of an empty house that gave me a good view of the town square, although what I saw still haunts me. A bright light (powerful flashlight) delivers 1D6 damageif it waits still for the treatment. Those humans encountering Zhar and Lloigor may feel a strange pulling sensation, compelling them closer to these TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: ZHAR & LLOIGOR STR 160 CON 250 SIZ 300 Zhar & Lloigor, the twin obscenities Note: these two entities have identical profiles. But, like their god, they must consume to live, feeding off animals or humans to avoid shriveling away and becoming a living but inanimate husk. Hold and Drain (mnvr): with success, the target is bitten by the circular mouth at the end of the gods face tentacle, which latches on and does not let go. If reduced to zero hit points, Qyth-az form is shattered into millions of pieces. A somewhat scary prospect is the notion that Vulthoom may be able to reproduce itself via seedlike pods, which it is believed to cast out once every 10,000 years. Encounters Those traveling in the subarctic and arctic regions may find themselves witnesses to the outbreak of Death-Walker. Perhaps, the most useful reference is the Book of Iod, of which one copy only is reported to exist (although rumors persist of a copy being made). Those who have associations with certain ghouls have learned of a schism forming between ghouls who worship Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg and those who do not. According to the Necronomicon, Cyegha might best be described as utter nihilisma being devoid of anything except contempt for all life. It reforms in its nightmare vault in Yhe in 4D100 years. Encounters Those within the area of a body of water possessing a shard of Glaaki may hear its dream-pull, which in turn may lead them to become another servant of the entity. In places, like Earth, where such manipulation appears to require assistance, Yog-Sothoth seems unable to break through without a foolish human or alien to open a Gate or breach the space-time barriers. Does such knowledge push a person to want to know more, opening themselves up to corruption, or do they strive to combat what they cannot fully comprehend and in so doing become a monster themselves? If Elder wards guard or hold a Mythos entity in check, that entity cannot break those wards and must influence others with free will to do so. While scholars would agree that Ygolonac and Glaaki are separate entities, the two appear to be aligned in some manner. Obviously the art isn't the primary reason most buy books like these, but awesome, original artwork is a big part of the . It can be expected that some of the wider spread tcho-tcho retain their beliefs and embrace the Mythos still, with some of these acting as agents of these Old Ones elsewhere in the world. If reduced to zero hit points, Sebek physical form turns to dust, or, if incorporeal, a wave of cold is felt. Used with permission. Here, the deitys white light is all-encompassing 116 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS and reveals the truth and the inescapable horror at the heart of all existence. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Bait Human, Bring Haboob, Contact Chthonian, The Red Sign; others as the Keeper desires. What does it feed on (magic points, POW, other characteristics, flesh, blood, etc.)? The Necronomicon says that when first summoned, Trunembra plays the Music of the Spheres but may change its tune to accommodate its new listeners as, through its sounds, it may convey messages, teach spells, and accept sacrifices. Get the rulebook here. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: YIG STR 150 CON 600 SIZ 100* DEX 90 *Yig may take the form of an enormous reptilian dragon-like creature of SIZ 200; adjust this profiles hit points, build, and damage bonus accordingly. The avatar is also able to grasp a victim and fly off with them through walls or other solid objects; such victims are carried to dismal and horrible places and never seen again or are unceremoniously dropped from a height. It may either artificially create skin or, more simply, use the skin of a human (although this will begin to decay). In addition, those beguiled will comply and follow the Queens commands to the extent of reasonable behavior; thus, an enchanted follower might attack someone unknown to them, but would not usually harm a loved friend or family member, although they might reasonably restrain such a person. Spot Hidden, Navigate, and so on). Each Keeper is expected to fashion the Mythos to their design, and all things are possible. Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Shrivelling, Wrack. Powers Body Modification: Shub-Nigguraths form is not fixed, it is able to warp and reshape its mass at will: creating, extending, absorbing limbs, appearing humanoid or monstrous, and so on. Magic POW: 150 Magic Points: 30 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Awful Doom of Cerrit, Breath of Pazzuzu (variant), Enthrall Victim, Liquid Death, Possession, Sense Life, Sirens Song; others as the Keeper desires. Combat Attacks per round: 2D4 (tentacle crush, grab, or swipe) May strike out with its tentacles or use them to grab and crush opponents. Perhaps, when the time comes and the stars are right, their powers will be unshackled. Thus, Yidhra constantly evolves and changes, now taking human shapes to better blend and influence. Malleus Monstrorum: Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary Volume I: Monsters of the Mythos 9781568823348 That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die Here, shall you know the terrors of 4,845 1,104 14MB English Pages 215 [218] Year 2020 Report DMCA / Copyright DOWNLOAD PDF FILE Table of contents : Front Cover Title Page A growing feeling of loathing may build from ones stomach, causing some to feel instantly repelled. The Freihausgarten cult is a strange beast, with its members performing sacrifices (sometimes human) to their god and venerating the darkness it sends forth; however, these same cultists are under an ancient Elder spell that forces them, once per year, to also shore up their gods prison through an unconsciously performed ritual. Many of these tentacles possessed spikes (teeth?) It is said that the rites held by the Daughters of Isolation are among the sickest, perverse, and deadly of any earthly cult. Sold by treasure_trove_inc 100.0% Positive feedback Contact seller. Aura Clearly, anything associated with Rlim Shaikorth carries an unearthly coldness; indeed, picking up an idol to the Old One is likely to inflict one point of damage through a shock of cold. While little suggests the entity appears elsewhere in the world, tokens and effigies of the deity can be encountered almost anywhere, and some appear to contain traces or the taint of the Old Ones power. I don't even have anyone to run a CoC game for, but I am glad to have this thing just as a collector and lover of RPGs. The deity may appear in an area, in an apparently random act (although random only to human concepts), causing the widespread deaths of animals and people, while drawing the 70 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - D - them is broken, but they should then make a Sanity roll (1D10/1D100 loss) as their mind relives and comprehends the full experience. Crush: due to its SIZ, the avatar may target up to four people at a time (assuming they are close to one another), lunging and throwing itself on top of them. What we know comes from low-ranking cult members, which is often guesswork or just plain false. Including my first GURPS character sheet from 1986. Prolonged exposure may force a Sanity roll, with 0/1D6 loss (possibly causing the person to scratch their skin severely). It reforms (from this location) in 1D6+2 months. Consider everything in relation to the investigators and what they can do in an encounter. While certain artifacts or spells may provide some limited light, most people suffer a penalty die to appropriate skill rolls. The avatar may tunnel beneath peoples homes to then lurk below and read their minds (see Mind Crawling). Once APP reaches zero, the transformation is complete. Our partners will collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement. Behold the one-eyed demon, this dark sun with tentacled mane, and know your life is at its end. Better to strip away such veils and focus on the manifestations as simply as possible. It is said that some moon-beasts worship Utulls-Hrher, gathering on the dark side of the moon to hold strange and horrific ceremonies. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Does it possess a specialism or control something? Combat Attacks per round: 1 (horns or crush) May attack with horns to rake or gore, or alternatively may roll into a ball and crush opponents. At best, we can strive to understand through the historical record where this entitys appearances appear to intersect. Overall, it gave an impression of something swollen beyond its natural girth, both monstrous and repellent. Likewise, an effects difficulty to resist may be diminished by distance, reducing from Extreme to Hard to Regular the further away one is from the entity. When a victims INT is reduced to zero, their skull bursts open and the entity slurps out their living brains. This entity embodies the ferocious and uncaring nature of Shub-Niggurath, its passions manifesting in excessive and cruel violence, immorality, and nature untamed. But, how can the human mind comprehend such a puzzle? Gnophkehs naturally generates a constant and intense cold around itself, and for every round spent within 2 yards/meters requires a successful CON roll or the loss of 1 hit point to freezing damage (if not protected against the cold). Look down into this pool and you shall see its eyes and is yawning mouths. Synopsis. Such effects may account for the Medieval tales of whole communities being found dead. The text alludes to Yu-mengtis dwelling in a placed called the Chamber of Filth, said to be an encasing sphere that keeps this entity apart from the world, which may possibly be some form of pocket dimension designed to confine and restrict the entity. Portents concerning future events may describe unavoidable things or that which may be changed by some form of action. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GNOPHKEHS STR 200 CON 500 SIZ 150 Powers Awaken: frozen and sleeping within the ice, Gnophkehs requires a special ritual and the sacrifice of at least 150 SIZ worth of human victims to be awakened for a temporary period. If true, questions must be asked. For some, these growths seem to mature and open, revealing horrific eyes within, but through which the cultists cannot see. The true outcome of such tasks is likely to remain obscure, with the humans nothing more than lab rats in Nodens eyesit matters not if they survive, just that they complete the job allotted to them. bullets) attacks. Ones power. This floating and un-melting iceberg has become known as Yikilth to the Old Ones followers. Ahtu copyright 2020 David Drake. Recently, Cymaeghi appears to have instructed its followers to send acolytes forth into the world, to take the gods tears and use them to expand the cults reach and, in so doing, prepare the way for its ascension. Indeed, like certain avatars in this book, such powers may differ between different forms of a specific entity. Some spells may cause harm or affect the avatar at the Keepers discretion. Soon, it became clear that the mist was no feature of the weather but was pouring upward, out of the ocean itself. Other names: none known. Maybe, what most people accept is true, that we were first born onto this Earth scant decades ago. Occasionally, a Kn-yanian ritual to Nug and Yeb may be honored with elements of the gods manifesting among the worshippers and joining in with the orgiastic rites, with numerous spawn of Nug and Yeb birthed as a result. Indeed, the King in Yellows agenda seems to be quite clear: to establish Carcosa across all things, which, in a sense, mirrors the corruption and decay embodied (perhaps) by the Unspeakable One. Lore tells that these gods will be intertwined until, one day, they become sated and separate, enabling each to fully mature and have a sense of self. Encounters While tokens or artifacts depicting Iod are possible, most are liable to encounter Iod via its loathsome cultists or those despicable wizards who would delve into death magic and necromancy. Ships from and sold by Game Boarders. A Luck should be made, with failure causing the consumer to grow weeping eyes across their body, which results in the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day until permanently insane. DEX 150 Encounters Acquisition of an idol of Chaugnar Faugn may lead to people becoming influenced by the deity or may bring about that idol transforming into an avatar, with equally messy results. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. AlongsideThe Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, it will be part of the wish list of all fans of the system.". It would seem that this avatar mostly manifests when Shub-Niggurath has been unsuccessfully summoned, or in places that have previously seen the taint or mark of the Dark Mother, with the avatar appearing to manipulate the local inhabitants into a frenzy of creativity and hedonism that usually ends in wanton destruction and/or calamity.

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