moeller high school famous alumni

School For The Creative And Performing Arts. Do you have a blog? Director of Alumni Dan Funk '15 Associate Alumni Director Andrew Simon '94 President John Buckley '98 Vice President The SPORTS REFERENCE and STATHEAD trademarks are owned exclusively by Sports Reference LLC. It was at Rapid Run Park. A member of the, George Kenneth Griffey Jr. (born November 21, 1969) nicknamed "Junior" and "the Kid", is an American former professional baseball outfielder who played 22 years in Major League Baseball (MLB). If you don't see your class's yearbook, check out our yearbook page. 106 reviews. Colonel in the U.S. Army during World War II. Saphire Top makes interesting, diverse, fun tops of events, performers, actors, politicians, places, and much more. Ken Griffey Jr. It is R elational E xperiential A uthentic L earning that suits boys best. We also encourage you to keep up to date on news and reconnect with Moeller High School alumni. Frequently Asked Questions about the NFL and Football, Blog and Articles, Subscribe to Stathead Football: Get your first month FREE. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery (1945). Pastor, Calvinist Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. Chairman, Beijing International Group (Sports Management), Publisher; President, Houghton, Mifflin Company, Sculptor, Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Boston Common, Co-Inventor (Jon Postel); Domain Name System; Developer, SMPT Email Server; Proposer, DNS Architecture; Writer, Jeeves (DNS implementation); Program Manager, Advanced Research Projects Agency; Chair, Internet Engineering Task Force; Inductee, Internet Hall of Fame, Roman Catholic Bishop, Rockville Center, Long Island, Rector, Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole, United States Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Team (1980); Professional Hockey Player, Chicago Blackhawks, New Jersey Devils; Featured in films: Miracle on Ice, and Miracle; Founder, Beanpot Financial, 2nd Lieutenant, United States Army (d. 1863, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania), Astronomer; Director, Harvard College Observatory; Author, Elements of Physical Manipulations, Chairman, Board of Childrens Institutions; President, American Pediatric Society; Founder, Boston Society for the Relief of Destitute Mothers and Children, Neurologist; President, American Neurological Association; President, American Psychoanalytical Association, Architect; Designer, Apartment Houses; Author, The Open Fire-Place in All Ages, Improved Plumbing Appliances, Plumbing and Household Sanitation, Broadcast Journalist, WBZ Television and Radio, Nightside with Dan Rea, Biologist; Professor; Vice President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; John D. MacArthur Professor of Genetics, University of California, Berkeley; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Academy of Microbiology; Pioneer, Use of Transposable P Elements in Genetics, Scientist of the Year (R&D Magazine), President, Chief Operating Officer, American Stock Exchange; Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Kidder-Peabody; C-Chairman, New York Stock Exchange Market Regulations Review Committee; Benefactor, Boston Latin School, Journalist; Author, Snowbird: A Brief Career in the Cocaine Trade, Smokescreen: A True Adventure; Screenwriter, Golden Globe Nominated Film Witness Protection; Survivor, ANE Flight 248 Crash, Civil Engineer; Secretary of Transportation, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1975-1979; 1983-1991); Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, The Schawbel Corporation (Patented ThermaCELL Technology); Co-Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Town and Country Corp. President, Boston Latin School Foundation; Benefactor Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2013, Professor, Chairman, Department of Counseling Psychology, Director, Center for Professional Development, Santa Clara University; Author, Methods of Group Psychotherapy and Encounter: A Tradition of Innovation, The Measure of a Man: Becoming the Father You Wish Your Father Had Been, Pragmatic Existential Counseling and Psychotherapy: Intimacy, Intuition and the Search for Meaning; American Psychological Association Fellow, Physician; Endowed Chair in Tropical Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Ambassador to Kuwait; Director, Office of Southern European Affairs; Director of Israel and Palestinian Affairs; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Physician; Founder, Bournewood Hospital; Co-Founder, American Psychiatric Association; Author, Mental Pitfalls of Adolescence, Computer Scientist; Mathematician; Programming Language Editor, Developer (Lisp, Scheme, C, Fortran); Author, Common Lisp the Language, The High Performance Fortran Handbook (with C. Koelbel, D, Loveman, R, Schreiber, M. Zosel), The Java Language Specification (with J. Gosling, B. Joy, G. Bracha); American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Lawyer; Civil Rights Leader; Co-Founder, President, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Clerk, United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Editor, American Law Review; President, American Bar Association; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Financier; Director, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railroad, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, New Jersey Shoreline Railroad; Guarantee Trust Company, Mutual Life Insurance Company, Pastor, Broadway Church, Congregational, Somerville, Pilgrim Church, Harlem, New York; Chairman, American Tract Society; Chaplain, Sons of the American Revolution, Minister, First Parish, Unitarian, Milton, First Female Ph.D. in America; Only Female to Attend Boston Latin School before 1972, Author, The Roentgen Rays in Medicine and Surgery; President, Association of American Physicians; Pioneer in Radiation Therapy, Professor, Research Director, Computer Science Department, Portland State University; National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Computer Information Science and Engineering; Founding Member, African American Scholars for Citizenship and Community; NSF Equal Opportunity Award 1991; Top 50 African Americans in Technology; Association for Computing Machinery Fellow, Some class years and entering years are approximate. Looking for MHS alumni not on this site? Economy Grocery Stores); Board Member, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Museum of Fine Arts, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Hebrew College; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1955, Entrepreneur; Founder, Plantation Products, Librarian, Harvard College; Congregational Minister, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, Attorney; President, Empire Coal and Coke Company; Secretary and Treasurer, Western Gas and Fuel Company; Vice-President and Treasurer, Washington County Railroad, Lawyer; Businessman; Media Magnate; Chairman, National Amusements, Viacom, CBS, Paramount Pictures; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1989, Minister, Swedenborgian Church; Author, Swedenborg and the New Church, Surgeon, United States Army (d. September 17, 1862, Antietam), Colonel, 20th Massachusetts Volunteers, United States Army (d. July 4, 1763, Gettysburg), Neurologist; President, Boston Homopathic Medical Society; President Massachusetts Homopathic Medical Society; President, Society of Neurology and Psychiatry, Educator; 1st Professorial Appointment to the Dept. The moment was very special and I feel like it propelled and gave me some confidence in my leadership and other things I went on to do at Moeller.". . About. Here are nine outstanding players from Moeller High School over the years: 1. He was a 1997 Man of Moeller, Gold Shield, and Joe Quinn Greater Catholic League Scholar-Athlete award winner. Sam Adams 1980-1984. Return to Top; Players. Latest Moeller athletic director comes from business world. Football History > Archbishop Moeller High School. Horticulturalist; Author, Skeleton Tours, Supplements to Andrew Downings A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Captain-Lieutenant, Continental Artillery; Secretary, Northwest Territory (1788-1798), Acting Governor (1796-1798); Governor, Mississippi Territory (1798-1801); Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member, American Antiquarian Society; Original Member, Society of the Cincinnati, Professor of German and Slavic Studies, Chair, Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures, Wayne State University; Recipient, Bundesverdienstkreuz, Germanys Highest Civilian Honor, Atlantic Monthly Editor; Author; Historian; His early history text is the standard for all history text books, Entomologist; Paleontologist, Founder of Insect Paleontology in America, Minister, Rutland, Vermont; Brooklyn, New York; Syracuse, New York; St. Paul, Minnesota, Investment Banker; Social Justice Activist; Lawyer; Partner, Goldman Sachs, Founder, Real Estate Division; Philanthropist; Benefactor, Facing History and Ourselves; Benefactor, Boston Latin School, Seevak Chair in History; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2000, Professor of Slavic Literatures and Comparative Literature, Columbia University; Author, The Literature of Eighteenth-Century Russia: A History and Anthology, Renaissance Culture in Poland: The Rise of Humanism, The Columbia Guide to the Literature of Eastern Europe Since 1945; Decorated by Polish Government for Contributions on Behalf of Polish Culture, Minister, Old South Church, Congregational; Declined Presidency, Harvard College (1724), Loyalist; Attorney General, Province of Massachusetts Bay; Judge of Admiralty, New Brunswick, Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (1800-1814), Chief Justice (1814); Representative in Congress (1796-1800); Fellow, American Society of Arts and Sciences; Member, American Antiquarian Society, Anthropologist; Curator, American Museum of Natural History; President, American Anthropological Association; President, American Eugenics Society; Author, The Heritage of the Bounty: The story of Pitcairn Island through Six Generations, Peking Man, The Jewish People: A Biological History, President, Massachusetts Medical Society; Hersey Professor, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Architect, Wellesley Town Hall, Boston Free Hospital for Women; Arborist, Author, The Genus Pinus, Senior U.S. District Court Judge, Eastern District of Washington (appointed by President Clinton, 1998), Logician; eponym: Sheffer stroke, Sheffer connective; Credited with coining the term "Boolean algebra", Physician; Founding Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; Chief, Connective Tissue Division, Johns Hopkins Medical School; Recipient, Heberden Medal, British Society of Rheumatology; President, American Rheumatism Association (now American College of Rheumatology); eponym: Shulman Syndrome, 20th Mayor of Boston (1868-1871); Physician, Corporation Counsel, City of Boston; Member, MA House of Representatives 1915-1916; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1958, Minister, First Parish, Congregational, Brewster, Head Master, Boston Latin School (2017- ); Principal, Eastern Senior High School, Washington, D.C.; Deputy Chief, Leadership Development, D.C. Public Schools; Chief of Staff, Boston Public Schools; English Master, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2011, Businessman; President & CFO of Global Petroleum Corp, Professor, Director, Program in Higher Education and Center for Urban Community College Leadership, New York University School of Education; Chancellor, California Community Colleges; Dean, School of Education, City College of New York, Author, America; My Country Tis of Thee; Collaborator, "The Star Spangled Banner" ; Minister, Needham; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Newton; Member, Songwriters Hall of Fame, First Congregational Minister, Portland, Maine, Chairman, Classics Department, Dean, College of Liberal Studies, Howard University; Cultural Attach, United States Embassy, Rome; Recipient, National Humanities Medal; Author, Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience; Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks, President, Hotel Corporation of America, Seagrave Corporation, Premier Corporation of America; President, American Jewish Committee, Boston Foundation; Director, Columbia Pictures Corporation, Massachusetts Higher Education Assistance Corporation, American Child Guidance Foundation, Palm Beach Community Chest, Bullard Professor of Neuropathology, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School; Head, Boston Psychopathic Hospital; President, American Medico-Psychological Association; Author, Shell Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems, Outline of Neuropathology; Pioneered Pathologic Study of the Brain, Captain, Continental Army; Rector, Martins Brandon Parish, Episcopal, Virginia; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Civil Servant; Social Worker; Urban Planner; President, NAACP Boston Branch (1945-48); Director, Robert Gould Shaw House; Secretary, United Settlements; Vice President, National Negro Congress; Executive Director, Armstrong-Hemenway Foundation; First Black Moderator, Massachusetts Congregational Christian Conference, New Hampshire Representative in Congress (1913-1915); Member, New Hampshire House of Representatives (1909, 1911, 1913, 1923); Vice Chairman, United States Shipping Board (1917-1920; Member/Special Counsel, Federal Trade Commission, President, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, Presbyterian Minister, Washington Heights, New York; Editor, New York Observer; Author, Across Russia, Cruising Among the Caribees, Librarian, Harvard College; Congregational Minister, Northhampton, Educator, Psychiatrist; Influenced the Evolution of Psychiatric Ethics; Challenged Psychiatrys Use in Public Policy; President, American Psychiatric Association, Minister, Worcester and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Physician; Numismatist; Founder, Gynaecological Society of Boston, Lieutenant Governor, Acting Governor (1694-1699; 1700-1701) and Chief Justice, Supreme Judicial Court, Province of Massachusetts Bay; Presided at Salem Witch Trials, Managing Director, Head of Institutional Client Transition Excellence Team, TIAA-CREF; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2000, Professor; Founding Member, Institute of the Black World (Independent Black Think Tank); Consultant,"Eyes on the Prize" and "Malcolm X: Make It Plain", Architect. Dave Coggin, a retired Major League Baseball player who played pitcher from 2000-2002. Moeller High School ( / molr / MOH-lr ), known as Moeller, is a private, all-male, college-preparatory high school in the suburbs of Cincinnati, in Hamilton County, Ohio. If you are a Moeller alumn, we encourage you to register and be sure to sign up for the alumni newsletter. Sign up for a Shadow Day Experience what it's like to be a Man of Moeller. Ryan Thompson, a former Major League Baseball o.utfielder. Joe Casagrande 1966-1970. Franchise Systems; President, Chief Operating Officer, Holiday Inns Worldwide; President, Days Inn of America; Founder of Asian American Hotel Association; Chairman, Biomedical Services Board, American Red Cross; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2016, Chief Scientist, Senior Vice President, Blackbaud, Inc.; Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Target Analysis Group, Inc.; Co-Founder, Chief Scientist, Chief Executive Officer, Target Software, Inc.; Dr. Joseph F. Desmond 44 Volunteer Award 1994. Mike Abeln 2007-2011. Television: Beverly Hills 90210, BH90210, ER, China Beach, 21 Jump Street, In the Heat of the Night. The Seminole Indians surrendered to the Tamiami Trail. of Physiological Chemistry in the new UCLA Medical School; Second Lieutenant, Surgeon General's Office, U.S. Army, Director, Museum of Fine Arts; Director, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Entrepreneur; Co-Founder, Roche Bros./Sudbury Farms Supermarkets; Philanthropist; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2002, Chairman, President, CEO, Texas Industries; Chairman, Public Broadcasting System; Co-Founder, Childrens Television Workshop; Recipient, Horatio Alger Award; Ralph Lowell Award, Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1966, National Education Policy Advisor (an architect of Upward Bound, Head Start); Civil Rights Organizer; Author, Professor of Arabic and Sanskrit, Yale College; President American Oriental Society, Philosopher; Essayist; Novelist; Founder, Boston Latin School Register; Author, The Life of Reason: or the Phases of Human Progress, Scepticism and Animal Faith: Introduction to a System of Philosophy, The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel. Moeller High School. There are currently no Moeller notable alumni listed. Grammar of Quechan, a Yuman Language, First Published Grammar of this Language. Eight in the Box, 2 in the Hat; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2001, Minister, New South Church, Unitarian; Secretary, Boston Latin School Association, Physician; Inventor, Cardiac Pacemaker; Credited with the First Successful Use of External Defibrillation; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1974. Archbishop Moeller High School. "" indicates the year entered is unknown at this time. Strive for academic excellence for all athletes; Develop a championship culture within each athletic program; Provide dynamic athletic experiences for all stakeholders. The $14 million "Raise the Shield" campaign underway will increase the school's endowment, expand the current campus on Montgomery Road and continue to embrace athletics at a new location. Archbishop Moeller High School. Building a first-class culture in every aspect of Moeller athletic, from facilities to how athletes carry themselves within the school and the community. #2 in Best All-Boys High Schools in Cincinnati Area. Poet; Playwright; Journalist; Editor, New York Mirror, Boston Evening Transcript; Author, Wealth and Worth, or, Which Makes the Man? All rights reserved. Pastor, Presbyterian Church; Mount Vernon, New York; Secretary, Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford Theological Seminary; Vice-President, Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy, President, Harvard College (1774-1780); Minister, First Church, Congregational, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Chairman, History Department, Harvard University; Director, Research and Analysis Branch, Office of Strategic Services; President, American Historical Association; Editor, An Encyclopedia of World History; Author, The Diplomacy of Imperialism; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1972, Physicist; Inventor of the Bolometer; Pioneer in Aviation; eponym: Langley Air Force Base; Secretary, Smithsonian Institution; Founder, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, President, Time, Inc., Publisher, Time, Life, Fortune, Sports Illustrated; Chairman, National Citizens Commission for Public Schools; Director, Nature Conservancy; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1967, President, Chief Operating Officer, IBM; United States Ambassador at Large for Law of the Sea Matters; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1969, Partner, Purl Knit Sales Co.; Lyricist, My Belgian Rose, When the Lilies Bloom in France Again, Little by Little Youre Breaking My Heart, Co-Founder/Chairman, The Beacon Companies; Award-Winning Developer, Rowes Wharf, Norman B. Leventhal Park at Post Office Square; Benefactor, Boston Public Library, Norman B. Leventhal Map Center; MIT, Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal Center for Jewish Life; Author, Mapping Boston; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1986, Head Master, Boston Latin School; Author, Leveretts Latin Lexicon, Governor, Massachusetts Bay Colony (1673-1679); Governor, Acadia (1654-1657), President, Harvard College (1707-1724) (founder of the liberal tradition of Harvard University); Judge, Superior Court, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Educator; Modern Language Master, Boston Latin School (1915-1960); Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1960; Officer at BLSA, Minister, Jamaica Plain; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Providence, Rhode Island, Playwright, Librettist (with Russel Crouse): State of the Union, The Sound of Music, Call Me Madam; Actor, Director, Broadway Producer; President, The Players Club; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1956, President, Genesee College (later Syracuse University), Professor of Chemistry, Dickinson College; Co-Author, Manual of Chemistry (with H.F. Storer), United States Senator (1807-1813, 1822-1826); Developer, India Wharf, Central Wharf; Supporter, Boston Athenaeum; President, Boston Manufacturing Company.

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