most annoying college football fans

The University of Texas is one of the premier football universities for top-notch athletes, gaining top recruits year in and year out. Notre Dame fans bleed Irish gold everywhere and anywhere, and the national media loves Notre Dame like Notre Dame fans love Notre Dame. Which Green Bay now collectively pretends never happened. A recent ranking of the worst fan bases in college football went viral on social media. Who are the most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football? 5 on the worst-behaved list for their boozy antics. Until Calvin Johnson came along, the only player's jersey you saw Lions fans wear at homegames wasBarry Sanders (even on kids bornafterSanders retired). Don't miss a story! ), youre still savvy enough fans to recognize theres not a whole lot (thanks for nothing, Eugene Robinson) in your 50-year history to get up in peoples faces about. Which school though takes the cake, making their fans the meanest, raunchiest, most arrogant people to ever scorch the Earth with their presence? The Most Annoying College Basketball Fanbase. You just didn't have time to tell them. Writing on the screen like 1980, sucking up to the top teams, and constantly missing basic football things. They are seriously insane at football games. Reggie Bush. They found Carroll entertaining. The Sooners have won the conference every year since 2015. According to respondents, But when it comes to getting trashed, that honor goes to the. Those losses hurt, and I volunteered to have marshmallows thrown at me because we deserved it. And thats nothing compared to what were going to do to Mark Ingrams knee, the man threatens. As passionate as these fans are about their football, some things are taking it too far, and chanting obscenities and yelling in other fans faces is a bit over the line. The Seahawks compete in the National Football League as a member club of the league's National Football Conference West division. Sure, you might toss the occasional dog biscuit/snowball/glass bottle on the field, but you're America's lovable losers -- just incredibly delusional. Florida fans are literally insane. Phil Fulmer talked like Tennessee belonged with the blue bloods of the sport. Alabama is a great football university. The Sea of Red is one of the coolest traditions out there, but any crazy Husker fan will tell you that Crouch, Suh, and Gill are some of the best players to ever walk the face of this planet. This is the long and short of it. Most Arrogant NCAA Football Fans We also ranked the top five most arrogant fan bases in the NCAA. (I am also now aware that a certain foul-mouthed BroBible editor lost his football privileges at Miami for an entire year thanks to such a case.). Rounding out the top five is Michigan State. The song has inspired both derision and acclaim. There is a very clear dividing line of right and wrong, and everyone knows it, and it has been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere. 1. Adam Davis/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images, RELATED: The 10 Best Marching Bands in College Football, Ranked. Notre Dame is a proud member of the historic Notre Dame conference. However, there are some instances where fans wearing red and white took fandom to the next level. The Auburn Tigers followed closely in fourth place. The University of Mississippi is known to have a student drinking problem which has led to their reputation as one of the top party schools in the nation. Ever go to an LSU game? But, hey, at least youve got great crab cakes. You see them on social media, in bars and even at the stadiums. This i According to Rovell, the fanbases most often mentioned were Alabama, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Clemson, Michigan and Texas. And since theyve got that nifty metal overhang, you're never gonna get the edge. On our conference list, the SEC ranked No. "I confirm first place goes to The Ohio State," another fan added on social media. Though fairly offensive, it's highly catchy and annoying. According to a 2009 poll done by Sports Illustrated, UCF fans are apparently the rudest in Conference USA. Replies (1) 2 0. panhandlebama Alabama Fan Member since Oct 2021 1037 posts. Never mind the team hasn't made a good draft pick since OK, ever. Buckeyes have a tendency to yell at other fans (and flip a car or two), which is probably why fans ranked them high on our list. This season when the LSU Tigers visited the Mountaineers, there were multiple reports of WVU fans assaulting LSU fans outside the stadium. Id like instead to point out a snapshot in time, a vignette, if you will, that should illustrate why West Virginia fans are awful. No, theyre not Americas Team. As the standing of being one of the elites faded away, so did the annoying fans, but theyre still around somewhere. What are the most annoying fan bases in college football? 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Lane Kiffin abandoning them after dedicated himself to the Volunteers must have really pissed off a fan base that was ready to get back to business in the SEC East. The fucking toilet paper rolls. I almost find it laughable that someone is that intense to poison some special trees by Toomer's Corner Store. Whats so funny about this, is most UA fans cant stand Gary. If you ever face off against a Boise State fan, they will have many arguments on why their team deserves a shot at the national title and what conspiracy BCS theories have kept them out of it all these years. Oh, man. LSU Fans = "Most Smack-Talkin' Classless" award. And because most of you also wear Creamsicle orange on Saturday, America kinda feels bad for you. But until Reid can prove he's not Marty Schottenheimer 2.0, you shouldn't get tooexcited. With the Sea of Red willing to go anywhere, theyve moved on from annoying fans in the Big 12 to annoying fans in the Big Ten. . Rich von Biberstein/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images. Back in the day, the Cornhuskers were the team to beat. Probably because the number of teal seats you see on television is directly proportional to the number of wins the Panthers have that season, and what kind of mood Cam Newton is in. LSU Tigers fans are a loud bunch, too, nabbing the third spot with their heckling. Absolutely! Matt Leinart. But on occasion, it's been insufferable. The University of Texas is one of the premier football universities for top-notch athletes, gaining top recruits year in and year out. Do we put it into our own team's fuel tank, cheering them on whether it be a surefire win or a lost cause? Under Nick Saban, this team is consistently top five in the country. I have been to a lot of college football games in my few short years of actually paying attention, but I have almost never seen something so rude and obnoxious. Not a great look. They can't stand casually slipping in memories of the last victory against Ohio State in 2011. I can't say that I have ever had the chance to visit Spartan Stadium in East Lansing, but there are some reports that these fans are some of the craziest in the Big Ten. SEC football: Ranking the most loyal fan bases from worst to first Teams SEC Alabama Arkansas Auburn Florida LSU Tennessee Texas A&M ACC Clemson UNC Big Ten Iowa Michigan Michigan St.. Despite winning the most Super Bowls of any team in league history, you still have a no-show problem at home games. The fans start the season off overly aggressive. UCF isn't exactly the most storied of college football programs and isn't even in a major conference, so why are their fans so rude? Other SEC fans are more than enthusiastic to claim Gator fans are some of the rudest, most classless and craziest in their conference. If it goes so far as the school President has to get involved, it has gone too far. Like any groups of fans, there are the classy ones and the die-hard crazy ones. I have compiled a list of the 25 most annoying colleges in the nation today. However, the majority of engagements are pretty translucent as to where that line is and some fanbases just take it too far, most of the time on purpose. Or do we dump it onto the the opposing fools who dared to challenge us in our own house? Michigan fans who didnt actually go to Michigan have earned the rather hilarious nickname Walmart Wolverines. Its difficult for me to really muster up hate for people who pair jorts and Michigan gear so well, so in lieu of actually explaining why people do hate said WWs, here are some pictures from the nicknames official Tumblr: Pete Carroll. Their fans are regularly arrested after games (don't get me started on the players). Are you getting Breathalyzed before entering the stadium? The massive packs they travel in. There are reports that some of the students would hurl trash and insults onto the field during close games, aiming to hit referees or opposing players. However, only two teams could advance to the "championship". How do you know football is king in Florida? Jesus. There was even a recent Sprint commercial that poked fun at couch-burning riots. Now, I'm not saying that all Buckeye fans are crass and vulgar, but this video some Michigan fans posted back in 2002 pretty much says it all. 11Indiana Hoosiers. And were not just picking on fan bases from other states, either. The Patriots were, for so very long, the bottom of the barrel in terms of local fan enthusiasm. To do that, theyll have to beat an Alabama team thathaschoke-slammed them to the mat in the last two SEC Championships. The sole purpose of Colorado fans is to hate Nebraska. A&M Fans = "Most Ignorant and Clueless" award. They liked Leinart. Then toss in Alabama and Auburn as yearly rivals and you have the recipe for the most delusional fan base in the country. They have the money, the facilities and top recruiting classes so what is the hold up? Your academic accomplishments matter, your alumni matter, your research and your contributions to scholarship They all matter. . The snow. My biggest beef, though, is grammar related. So basically, in half a generation, you'll be the same as Heat fans, and move up a solid eight spots on this list, regardless of whether you ever win another playoff game. Masons pregnant wife, Hannah, was also attacked. Notre Dame fans are the No. 3 Seahawks The Seattle Seahawks are a professional American football franchise based in Seattle, Washington. This is partly NBCs fault. These fans have assimilated sports writers, the media, and the BCS haters. More like roll it back. Three Super Bowl wins (four appearances in 10 years). The most annoying CFB fan base is down to Bama. One thing most, if not all, college football fans admire about Cornhusker fans is their willingness to travel with their team because who would want to be in Nebraska, am I right? Lane Kiffin. With Patrick Mahomes undoing Andy Reid's home playoff losing streak, you've got a lot of hype and a genuinely exciting young quarterback at the helm. But everyone knows you dyed-in-the-wool Pats fans are really just Bruins fans in Bradys clothing. Even when the on-field squad has had their occasional adversarial personality (looking at you, Suh), its hard for a fanbase that so thoroughly knows nothing but bad things to muster up much in the way of offensiveness. 21+: is licensed by the Michigan Gambling Control Board (license #007543). Vote below. Which is fine. It was frightening. It applies to USC. Sure, you might have friends who cheer for other teams, but come Saturday that friendship is left at the door. The insane ones are naturally a bit arrogant and that "we're better than you are" attitude can be especially rude. Yes, college football traditions are great and all, but at Texas A&M, they cross the line from endearing to annoying. Unfortunately, Nick Foles' unbelievable run that culminated in out-dueling Tom Brady in the Super Bowl made you even more insufferable, though it did give the world one of the greatest videos ever captured. Of course, every SEC team could have probably made this list -- that includes the Tennessee Volunteers, Kentucky Wildcats, South Carolina Gamecocks, Arkansas Razorbacks, Missouri Tigers, Auburn Tigers and Texas A&M Aggies. Witness the Ridiculous Bills Fan Video cottage industry Deadspin has put on display, which includes youshoving hands in girlfriends butts, slap-fighting in the most viciously friendly manner conceivable, launching yourselves onto tables from high places, using friendly fire to slam Pats fans through other ones, dizzy-batting your heads into the front of buses, and doing coke. Giants fans arent obnoxious at all! They have been seen attacking other fans, throwing glass beer bottles and doing anything that makes them feel better about losing. He suffered severe head injuries, including a crushed eye socket and a broken nose. Arizona considers themselves the premier university in its state, and as much as that may not mean much, they certainly like to make a big deal out of it., Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The entire disrespectful clip can be seen here. Why should it matter? You know that King of the Hillepisode where Hank and the gang kinda grudgingly go watchthe Texans practice because its a lot closer than the Cowboys and they figure, hey, its football? The Texas Longhorns ruined their three-peat in 2005. Now owning a national following, the Broncos of Boise State have become extremely cocky over a short amount of time. Unsurprisingly, there's a lot of debating with this list. Jags fans are the NFL's least obnoxious fans in large part because they BARELY exist, despite a surprise run to the 2018 AFC Championship Game with none other than Blake Bortles running the show. "Clearly they have never met Sparty Twitter," one fan wrote. Youre not here for a reasoned breakdown of the top 25s chances: Youre here to find out the absolute worst of the worst, the fan bases you want to send to Belizealong with Mike. MGM Riches Offers Same Online Slot Games At BetMGM Michigan And MGM Resorts, Red Wings Fall From Wild Card Spot To Playoff Longshot In A Week, Purchasing Mix Up Leads To Two Michigan Lottery Jackpots For Oakland County Man, Alice Cooper, ZZ Top Highlight Spring, Summer Concerts At Michigan Casinos, BetMGM Pledges To Step Up Responsible Gambling Promotion In Advertising, Interstate Poker Play Boosts PokerStars Revenue In Michigan And New Jersey. They wear "trojan" helmets and sunglassestwo things that literally do not go together. Replies (1) Options Top. We may be viewed as the most obnoxious fans but we are some of the most loyal and fanatical fans. To determine our rankings, we surveyed more than 2,000 NCAA football fans across the country to ask them to rate the behavior of every fan base in the Power Five conferences (SEC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and ACC), as well as independent teams. Theyll come to your town, theyll help you party it down and theyll make your ears bleed with chants of Go Big Red and Husker Power. And, oh look, now hes vomiting on your shoe. The model franchise. Your guess is as good as mine and the factors are extremely subjective. Florida, man. the talent head coach Jimbo Fisher is bringing in, The 10 Best Marching Bands in College Football, Ranked, The 10 Worst Heisman Trophy Winners of All Time, Ranked. According to respondents, Alabama fans might need to calm down because theyre the No. But then it's the same old, same old -- it took this team 16 years to get rid of Marvin Lewis and his remarkably mediocre 131-122-3 record, which included seven years of losing the first game in the playoffs. I will admit that Oklahoma fans have a lot to be proud of when it comes to their football team, but many of them take it much too far. They did this year due to COVID-19, but likely go back to the way it was. It took place during the alcohol-soaked periods before and after a game against LSU in 2011: Police in West Virginia are looking for a group of people accused of attacking four LSU fans leaving Saturday nights game in Morgantown. Under Joe Paterno, the Nittany Lions were always in the top 25, then would lose by 80 in Week 2. Investigators said the suspects threw a rock through an open window and then attacked the four fans inside the car. Most of the fan base living off their glory years, but, hey, maybe they can get back one of these days. Rama jama. Leeds and Spurs follow next, with 3.8% and 5.1% of the study believing these fans are the most annoying on social media, while Manchester City complete the top five with 8.0% of supporters voting . You really did it. Listen, there, Al Bundy of NFL fanbases, at some point you have to stop responding to trash talk from fans from NY/NJ (who take up half your stadium) with 17-0! That was 47 YEARS AGO. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, get Streamail for more entertainment, and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. In the early 2000s the USC Trojans were what Alabama is today. Since the inception of the conference, they have won the conference title more than anyone else by a wide margin. From chants of "a--hole" directed at opposing fans to obscenities that are downright disgraceful, Michigan State definitely makes this list for many reasons. But you're still nice Midwesterners, which means you have even fewer issues giving up and jumping on the Packers bandwagon. Essentially, you put purple makeup on a pig that grew up in Cleveland and renamed it after a poem. UT has attended two national Championships since 2005, winning one over USC and losing the other to Alabama. They tossed water bottles at their former head coach like their were egging their middle school teacher's house. Never mind that those certificates are about as valuable as that share of a gold mine you got on a family trip to South Dakota. 11. Following in the No. They just enjoy spite and hatefulness for the sake of spite and hatefulness. Every team has their traditions, history and fanbases. No one is clean. c. Success and making excuses for illegally gained success: Have you won a few national championships lately? Spurrier was notorious for running up the scorethe 1995 Georiga game still holds a certain mythic quality in the SEC for poor sportsmanshipand even though he has found admiring fans during his semi-retirement at South Carolina, he was utterly loathed in the 1990s. WVU students have gained a rep for boorishness, and its followed them for years now. Ohio St was a nice group but they still suck. Its football season! The obvious running joke being is Texas back? Spoiler alert the answer is no. The Barstool Sports podcast, Unnecessary Roughness, ranked the 10 most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football heading into the 2022 season. Let's not mince words. And if that isn't rude, I don't know what is. If all of those other schools are always winning championships, why aren't we? Nebraska fans do have a lot to be excited about for their future though. Those longtime Seattlites who wont shut up about how they used to watch Kelly Stouffer at the Kingdome are only slightly less infuriating than the Mensa convention of new fans who somehow think theyre the loudest in football, ignoring stuff like innovative stadium construction and physics while believing that people in Seattle are just really, really good at yelling. Every media member and their wife can't stop talking about Alabama, and Alabama fans can't stop talking about the greatness of their program. A bracket ran by Unnecessary Roughness, a Barstool Sports podcast, revealed the most "annoying" fan base in the country. Not because the team is subpar, but because your average season-ticket holder is 84 and stays home after dark or if theres a 10% chance of rain.

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