royal irish rifles ww1

Royal Welsh Fusiliers who died 11/03/1915 FAUQUISSART MILITARY CEMETERY, LAVENTIE France ' Rfm. Rflmn. 11th Btn. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, 1912-1917: records of the Young Citizen Volunteers of Ireland, later the 14th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), 1917: company roll book for 7th Battalion, About our [4], After a further tour of the trenches at Rouge Bancs, the battalion was posted to Albert in the Somme. Rfm. . 8th Btn. Moved to England in April 1918, going to Larkhill where absorbed by 3rd (Reserve) Bn. William Lewis 10th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (d.1st July 1916). (d.1st Jul 1916), Purdon Herbert. William McFadzean, 14th Bttn - 1st July 1916 at Theipval, France. att 109th Light Trench Mortar Bty (d.1st Jul 1916), Moore Robert. I will send the link to George's son. The 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles came into being following the reorganisation of the British Army in 1881. 14th Btn. He has travelled to places most have never heard of. The bloody and prolonged Somme campaign included some of the hardest-earned battle honours handed down from our antecedent regiments. (The exception was after April 1918, but not relevant here as he was captured during the German Spring Offensive). In July 1953, during the Coronation Tour of Northern Ireland, Robert Quigg V.C. var mydate=new Date() We respect the effort he made to give us the peace and freedom we enjoy today. He received four metals and have attached two pages of the medals that my uncle/his son sent to me: (1) Victory Medal; (2) medal from his tour in Middle East because it read Iraq under the ribbon and the medal; (3) a silver medal with the bust of George V on one side and on the other side is a man on a horse; and the last one is gold with crossed sword with a wreathon one side and on the other side is 9929 (line 1), - I cannot read -Harper (line 2), and Royal Irish Rifles (line 3). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. (d.1st Jul 1916), Hill William Quintis Ewart. Beggs Thomas Alexander Thompson. Rifleman 12th Battalion (d.1st July 1916), Black John. Royal Irish Rifles Battalions of the Regular Army 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Aden. Those who earned them did so in a tradition born in the 17th century and carried on in the 21st century by the officers and all ranks of The Royal Irish Regiment. Royal Irish Regiment Battalions of the Regular Army 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Nasirabad (where it had been stationed since 1912). I was able to walk along the very road where he was wounded for the last time in 1918 and to visit the grave of his patrol mate Herbert Musgrave. (d.21st March 1918), McComb Francis. 12th Batallion, Davison J. H.. 11th Btn. Cunliffe, Marcus, The Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1793-1968 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1970). He was a prisoner-of-war but I don't know where. Not so well known are the stories of other Irish regiments and other battalions of our antecedent regiments in that attack. (d.7th June 1917), McIlroy Samuel. Royal Irish Rifles (d.21st June 1917), Sgt. Moved to Carrickfergus in April 1915 and on to Newry in April 1917. Royal Irish Rifles. Royal Air Force who died 24/02/1919 LINCOLN (NEWPORT) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' document.write; The leading battalions of 109th Brigade (9th Bn and 10th Bn The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers) broke into the Schwaben Redoubt with some elements even pushing on to reach the D Line, part of the German second defensive zone. Copyright 2023. 3rd Bn. dailyinfo[8]=' 13277 Labourer Klaas NERO South African Native Labour Corps who died 08/03/1917 PUGU ROAD 1914-1918 MEMORIAL Tanzania ' Highland Light Infantry who died 19/03/1915 LE TOURET MEMORIAL France ' On 28 June 2016, a bronze sculpture of Sergeant Robert Quigg V.C. Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20. There is help on reading map referenceshere. The regiment returned home in 1875 and then Rory found himself in Bermuda in 1880 before the unit was amalgamated. The Rifles were honoured for Bazentin Ridge, Pozires and Ancre Heights, while one of their affiliated Territorial Force battalions, 1st Bn The London Irish Rifles, also received the honour le Transloy. 6 Reserve Lorry Park Royal Air Force who died 28/02/1919 BELGRADE CEMETERY Belgium ' Discharged 5.6.1921 (Fold 3) or 1922 (RUR Register). Image courtesy of the excellent Ben Sutherland collection at, with thanks. Seaforth Highlanders who died 20/03/1919 BEIRUT WAR CEMETERY Lebanese Republic ' We add around 200,000 new records each month. Moved to Holywood in May 1915 and on to Ballykinlar in March 1918. It then had to weather heavy German counter-attacks which failed to dislodge the members of the battalion but caused very heavy casualties, amounting to 18 officers and 440 other ranks, including its Colonel. 16th Battalion (d.22nd Aug 1916), Gorman Gilbert. Rflmn. Powered by Invision Community. dailyinfo[24]=' Captain Denzil Robert THURSTON Air Force Cross Airship Training Wing (Cranwell). October 1915 : landed at Boulogne. (d.2nd May 1915), Bowes Michael. R.A.M.C WW1. The 86th became the new 2nd Battalion. The Robert Quigg V.C. "Foyle." The Regiment was officially formed in 1881 when the 83rd and 86th Regiments of Foot were amalgamated however its history can be traced back 88 years prior to this date. Pte. World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment 8th (East Belfast) Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles 8th (East Belfast) Battalion was raised in Belfast September 1914 from the Belfast Volunteers. 5/9929 Rfm. While 7th Bn The Royal Irish Rifles was the only battalion of our antecedent regiments to serve in either 47th or 48th Brigades, 49th Brigade included two battalions of Inniskillings and two of Faughs (7th and 8th in both cases) and was known unofficially as the Ulster Brigade. 15th (North Belfast) Btn. Although it gained ground, it had to withdraw. He was my Grandfather's brother. L/Cpl. dailyinfo[23]=' 9656 Private Isaac COOPER "A" Coy. More Royal Irish Rifles records. Moved in January 1915 to Ballyvonare. (d.7th Jun 1917). L/Cpl. Moved to Clandeboye in December 1914. Looking at your PDF, the medals are (left to right): Curiously, his Medal Index Card (linked by Jon in post#3) isn't annotated to show an award of the 14/15 Star; and I didn't find him in the relevant medal roll. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The following month, the battalion was sent to the rear for rest and training after a full year in the trenches. Royal Irish Rifles. Royal Irish Rifles during WW1 Since 1815 the balance of power in Europe had been maintained by a series of treaties. By September 1914, only 6 officers and 200 men were fit for duty. 7th Btn. The Royal Irish. They embarked for Britain on the 27th of September 1914 and arrived at Liverpool on the 22nd of October they joined 25th Brigade, 8th Division at Hursley Park, Winchester. L/Cpl. else { document.write(fontstart+"No major events today"+fontend); } Our antecedent regiments earned eight: Albert (1st - 13th July); Bazentin Ridge(14th -17th July); Pozires (23rdJuly 7th August); Guillemont (3rd 6th September); Ginchy (9th September); le Transloy (1st October 11th November); Ancre Heights (1st October 11th November); Ancre (13th 18th November). Now Sergeant OCathain and The Royal Irish Regiment were mobilised on 9 October and some 695 reported out of a total number recalled of 704. 15th (North Belfast) Battalion, Davies Henry John Herbert. Pte. For King And Country. Our 1st Battalion (d.24th April 1917), Gibson Walter David. On 1 April 2022 soldiers in the company transferred to foot guards regiments and the company became No 15 (Loos) Company, Irish Guards. As the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act of 1907 did not call for the creation of TF units in Ireland, the regiment had no TF battalions. Rfm 11th (South Antrim) Btn. Was your Army Service Corps soldier renumbered with a T4 prefix? This was a XIV Corps operation to secure suitable ground from which to launch the first operation involving tanks, which occurred a few days later at Flers-Courcelette. Royal Irish Rifles (d.14th Jul 1917), 2nd Lt. Sydney James Livingston Downey 14th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (d.7th Jun 1917), Rflmn. The London Irish Rifles (LIR) was a reserve infantry regiment and then company of the British Army. (d.28th Jul 1917), Boyd Samuel. Middlesex Regiment who died 25/02/1921 LADYWELL CEMETERY United Kingdom ' 2nd Battalion (d.6th Aug 1917 ), McClements William James. This was a harsh conflict with tough conditions. Royal Irish Rifles Battalions of the Regular Army 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Aden. (d.1st Nov 1916) Anderson Stanley Orme. (d.7th Jun 1917), Bryan Alfred. Rflmn. If he continued to serve after 1920 his son, as next of kin could make application to the MOD for his service record at the cost of 30, Sadly, Quigg never found his platoon commander. Rfm. The badge of the regiment as depicted on a CWGC grave headstone. Today it has passed from memory, but its opening day is written indelibly into the Armys history as its bloodiest ever. dailyinfo[16]=' 22659 Serjeant George SNELL Military Medal "T" Bty. 14th Btn. Rfl. Ken, we were under the assumption that he lied about his age when he enlisted. Formed in County Antrim in September 1914 from the Antrim Volunteers. I was able to visit the battle fields in Belgium, where he fought for so long, in 2007. Formed in Belfast in September 1914 from the Belfast Volunteers. (d.7th Jun 1917), Blunden Robert. dailyinfo[30]=' B/469 Worker Charles BARLOW Australian Munition Worker who died 30/01/1918 NORTH SHEEN CEMETERY United Kingdom ' 13 November 1917 : transferred to 108th Brigade in 36th (Ulster) Division, absorbing 7th Battalion. The battalion war diary for March 1918 ishere at the National Archives, orhere on Ancestry. Delayed by two days because of bad weather, the story of the attack on Saturday 1st July is well known, as is the part played by 36th (Ulster) Division. No personal details are collected. October 1915 : landed at Boulogne. August 1914 : at Newtownards. [6], Following the Armistice, the battalion was posted to the formerly German-occupied area of Mouscron in Belgium before returning to England in May 1919. Royal Irish Rifles (d.21st April 1917), Rfm. 16th (Service) Battalion (2nd County Down) (Pioneers) var day=mydate.getDay() (d.4th Jun 1916), Boulding Frank Thomas. 2nd Lt. 11th (South Antrim) Btn. 8th Btn. In all, twenty Irish battalions, plus The Tyneside Irish, took part in the attack. - Royal Irish Regiment Museum. Formed in Holywood around November 1915 as a Reserve Battalion, from depot companies of 13th and 16th Bns. [1] The Ottoman Empire had not yet entered the war so the battalion was sent to England in September, where it prepared for a deployment to France, attached to the 25th Infantry Brigade, 8th Division. On that date, Saturday 1st July 1916, soldiers from seventeen battalions of our antecedent regiments took part in the opening attack of an offensive that lasted until late-November. 8th (East Belfast) Btn. Belfast City Hospital History . (Salonika) Territorial Force Nursing Service who died 01/03/1918 KNOWLE (SS. During the First World War officers and men of The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were awarded eight Victoria Crosses, The Royal Irish Rifles three and The Royal Irish Fusiliers two. Please note we currently have a massive backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. When The Royal Irish Rangers was formed by the amalgamation of the three antecedent regiments of the North Irish Brigade on 1st July 1968, the date chosen marked not only the birth of the new regiment, but a major battle honour shared by its antecedents: The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, The Royal Ulster Rifles and The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victorias). We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. dailyinfo[15]=' SS/342 Able Seaman Henry George SMITH (RFR/CH/B/5534). Typically eighteen year old recruits received further training, e.g Machine Gun Corps, or were posted to a home service unit until they became of age, this posting would not usually appear on the Medal Rolls. It was increased after the Armistice by the concentration of graves (chiefly of 1914-15 and 1918) from the battlefields East of Estaires and Bethune and from certain smaller cemeteries, including:- . Rflmn. Rflmn. Rflmn. October 1915 : landed at Boulogne. . Bleakley . Free delivery for many products. dailyinfo[9]=' Boy SALEH HAJI S.S. TANGISTAN (Swansea).Indian Merchant Service who died 09/03/1915 BOMBAY 1914-1918 MEMORIAL, MUMBAI India ' 'I turned over one poor chap on a rocky, bloody crag on Tanngoucha. In the early 1880s Muhammad Ahmad, the self-proclaimed Mahdi (the Guided One) proclaimed a Jihad and led an uprising in the Sudan, known as the Mahdi Revolt, against the Khedivate of Egypt. KANE, J. Lance Corporal, 12/17998. After all is over - and the remainder of the Empire is understandably irritated with Ireland - I hope these countless Duffs, from both the North and the South, and in all three services, will be remembered. Privacy Policy and (d.8 January 1916), Ayre Samuel. London Scottish at Messines, Halloween 1914. He was facing the right way, the last round of a clip in the breech and three dead Germans in front of him. 8th Btn. Rflmn 15th Battalion (d.1st July 1916), McCleery A.. 14th Btn. [6] Very few of its original members from 1914 survived the war.[7]. Rfm. Rflmn. July 1915 : moved to Seaford. The cap badge of The Royal Irish Regiment traces a direct lineage back through The Ulster Defence Regiment to The Royal Ulster Rifles, although the harp and crown in various different shapes is emblematic of a significant number of Irish regiments. For Sergeant OCathain the war ended in the Winter of 1914. 15 May 1918 : disbanded at Deir-el-Nidham. Scott Kennedy. You signify acceptance of our use of cookies when you click the Accept button or by your continued use of the site. Moore John Trid. Rfm. AU $50.00 + AU $7.00 postage. Later in the war, he served in Mesopotamia and Egypt and he continued his army career until 1934, finishing with the rank of Sergeant. Pte. 11th Btn (d.1st Jul 1916), Moorhead James. . One war correspondent wrote that Their attack was one of the finest displays of human courage in the world but, on 1st and 2nd July, their losses exceeded 5,500 dead, wounded or missing. In 1827 the Regiment added the titles of Fusilier and Royal to its name when its namesake the Prince of Wales acceded to the throne as King George IV and became the 87th (or Royal Irish Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot. 14th (Young Citizens) Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles during the Great War 1914-1918. Royal Irish Rifles (d.1st Jul 1916), Sgt. On 13 December, 10 officers and 450 other ranks were moved with only one hours notice to garrison Cairo. 3rd July : Forceville. 7th (Service) Battalion if (dailyinfo[daym] != "") { document.write(fontstart+dailyinfo[daym]+fontend) } The Royal Irish Rifles was formed in 1881, under the Childers Reforms, with the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th Regiment of Foot. Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery . Upon the outbreak of war in 1914 he was called up to regular service and the battalion went to Belfast to act as a training unit. Rfm. There is help on how to research a soldierhere. Moved to England in April 1918, going to Larkhill. These cookies do not store any personal information. In July 1968 the three constituent Regiments merged to form the three component battalions of the newly created "Royal Irish Rangers (27th (Inniskilling), 83rd & 87th)". My grandfather Wilfred Lewis was 6 years younger than William so survived the great war, but we will never forget him or the sacrifice he made for our freedom. The 10th (Irish) Division fought in the campaigns of Gallipoli or Dardanelles, then Salonika and finally with General Allenby in Palestine. Moved in June 1915 to Ballyholley and to England in September, going to Aldershot. in his home town of Bushmills, in time for the centenary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme. 2nd Btn. I was personally greatly privileged to have the honour of welcoming the Queen to Bushmills, informing the audience about the statue, and inviting Her Majesty to perform the unveiling. Cooper, Bryan, The Tenth (Irish) Division in Gallipoli (Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1993). Braving No-Mans Land Sergeant Robert Quigg V.C, By Leonard Quigg/the Robert Quigg V.C. Royal Irish Rifles (d.1st Jul 1916), Rfmn. The Victoria Cross was awarded to three men from the Royal Irish Rifles: Edward De Wind, 15th Bttn - 21st March 1918 at Grugies, France. Bluecher German Navy who died 29/01/1915 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' (d.1st Jul 1916), Mulholland David. 10th (Service) Battalion (South Belfast) 29 August 1917 : amalgamated with 9th Bn to form 8/9th Bn. The sculpture was created by David Annand ( Upcoming changes to logging in - click here, GWF is free to use so please support the Forum,, The George V, General Service Medal - the clasp indicates the qualification was by virtue of serving at Ramadi or north of a line east and west through Ramadi between 10 December 1919 and 13 June 1920, or as part of an establishment within Iraq between 1 July and 17 November 1920. The Cairo garrison, together with a Royal Irish Rifles mounted infantry platoon of two officers and 37 other ranks, commanded by Brigadier Francis Grenfell, was hastily sent to Suakin in the Sudan were fighting ensued, where the military commander was Colonel Herbert Kitchener. Robert James Craig 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Cpl. The Royal Irish Rifles was formed in 1881, under the Childers Reforms, with the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th Regiment of Foot. In October 1899, the Second Anglo-Boer War broke out between the British Empire and the independent Boer states of the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) and the Orange Free State. dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small Rflmn 1st Battalion (d.16th August 1917), Craig James. 1st September 1914 Recruitment of 16th (Service) Battalion Royal Irish Rifles 16th (Service) Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Pioneers). Formed in County Antrim in September 1914 from the Antrim Volunteers. By Richard Doherty, military historian, writer and broadcaster. On 29th August 1917 the 8th (Service) Battalion, (East Belfast) amalgamated with the 9th (Service) Battalion, (West Belfast to form the 8th/9th Battalion. However, the German assault on Verdun in February affected the Western Front plan when the defence of that town sucked in French reinforcements, reducing their commitment to the summer offensive. (d.1st July 1916), Mills J.. Rfm. (d.25th Sep 1915), Bowler Harold. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WW1 14th Battalion (Young Citizens Volunteers) Royal Irish Rifles Cap Badge Bras at the best online prices at eBay! dailyinfo[4]=' Matrose Paul KURZKE Torpedoboot "G85" German Navy who died 04/03/1919 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' For Falls, the main attack was that by 109th Brigade, with 107th Brigade following up. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 12th (Service) Battalion, (Central Antrim), Royal Irish Rifles. 14th Btn. As we were growing up WW1 was a dim and distant memory and, as far as my father was concerned, it wasn't something he wanted to discuss much with his children. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. (d.1st July 1916) Bothwell R.. (d.1st Jul 1917) The third Battalion was short-lived and was disbanded in . 11th Btn (d.1st Jul 1916), Whelan William Clement. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Like this page to receive our updates, add a comment or ask a question. Moved to Hursley Park and came under command of 25th Brigade in 8th Division. Moved to Hursley Park and came under command of 25th Brigade in 8th Division. Rflmn. Moved at first to Newcastle and disbanded on 20 February 1918 but otherwise record same as 8th Bn. 5th (Extra Reserve) Battalion based on surviving service records dates from between 17thOctober (5/9858)-18thNovember 1916 (5/9986) so could not have served in a theatre of war in 1914/15, therefore no entitlement to the 14-15 Star. This includes cookies that track any click through to affiliate links and advertisers that appear on this site. 7 July 1915: embarked at Liverpool and sailed to Gallipoli via Mudros. 1st Battalion 10th Btn. In the Third Battle of Ypres the battalion took part in the Battle of Pilkem. Record same as 11th Bn. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. Allsopp Matthew. "Orbita." Royal Marine Light Infantry who died 17/03/1918 BELLAVISTA OLD BRITISH CEMETERY Peru ' The unit suffered badly at the Battle of Stormberg in December 1899, and on 3 April 1900 the regiment was forced to surrender to Orange Free State Commandant-General Christiaan de Wet after a siege at Reddersberg. Probably because his enlistment in the R.I.R. Both regular battalions of the Inniskillings were involved, as were 1st Bn The Royal Irish Rifles and 1st Bn The Royal Irish Fusiliers. Survivors continued to fight with various units until the end of March when the battalion was moved to reserve and the task of rebuilding it began. Leinster Regiment who died 27/02/1918 JERUSALEM MEMORIAL Israel and Palestine (including Gaza) ' Rflmn. 20 December 1915 : landed at le Havre. He seems to have been taken PoW on 24.3.1918, been at/administered by Stendal Camp ( prisoncmapofmain00poperich.pdf ), and repatriated 0n 24.11.1918. Moved to Ballykinlare and came under orders of 107th Brigade in 36th (Ulster) Division. When the Great War started in August 1914 The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, The Royal Irish Rifles and The Royal Irish Fusiliers were in the British Expeditionary Force that went to France and fought in the first battles that developed into the stalemate of trench warfare. Want to know what life was like during the Great War? Beggs Thomas Alexander Thompson. Robert Quigg was presented with his Victoria Cross by King George V at Sandringham in January 1917. dailyinfo[29]=' Oberleutnant zur See Axel Carl Ludwig VON SCHOENERMARCK S.M.S. Bloomfield Arthur Henry. Search this site. 1st Battalion joined it there from Aden in November 1914 and both remained there until the Armistice. 13 November 1917 : amalgamated with 13th Bn to form 11/13th Bn. Register with your email address now, we can then send you an alert as soon as we add a record close matching the one you were searching for. ROYAL IRISH RIFLES. It participated in the final Allied offensive against Germany in 1918 before returning home in May 1919. 2nd Battalion Rfm. Formed in County Antrim in September 1914 from the Antrim Volunteers. Attacking on the left flank of the Ulster Division, as part of 29th Division, 1st Bn The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers sustained heavy losses, their casualties numbering 568, much the same as the most heavily hit units of 36th Division 13th Bn The Royal Irish Rifles and 11th Bn The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (595 and 598 respectively). July 1915 : moved to Seaford. (d.23rd Nov. 1917), Baker W. J.. Rfm. Michael Jordan 6th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (d.10th Aug 1915), Ireland's Unknown Soldiers: The 16th (Irish) Division in the Great War, Belfast Boys: How Unionists and Nationalists Fought and Died Together in the First World War. October 1915 : landed at Boulogne. It played a prominent role in opposing the German attack during Operation Michael (known to the British as the Battle of St Quentin) in March 1918. His British War & Victory medal roll record (as linked by Jon in post #2) indicates that his WW1 overseas service was entirely with the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles. Eighteen was the conscription age under the Military Service Act 1916 which did not apply to Ireland. 8th Btn. (d.22nd Nov 1917 ), Shorter Alfred. in Runcorn, Cheshire. Otherwise my contact details can be found at (d.4th October 1914), Craig Thomas. Rfm. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. Pat Toman was part of the re-built battalion until the 2nd of June 1918 when he was wounded while on a night patrol in the Ypres area. (d.7th Jun 1917), Corscadden Francis Theodore. It travelled from Southampton to Le Havre at the start of November and took up positions east of Laventie in the Pas de Calais. (d.7th Jun 1917), Birnie Robert. On the 7th of July 1915 they sailed from Liverpool for . Sgt. Royal Irish Rifles, Rflmn. 1st Battalion Royal Irish Rifles in World War I,, Battalions of the British Army in World War I, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 June 2022, at 22:02. 2nd Bn. If anyone has any further information as to how he died, I would be very grateful to hear from you. After all is over - and the remainder of the Empire is understandably irritated with Ireland - I hope these countless Duffs, from both the North and the South, and in all three services, will be remembered. By the end of the day two companies had been lost, the Commanding Officer wounded (he died later), the Adjutant killed and the Assistant Adjutant found it impossible to produce an accurate report of the days fighting. In a very short period, the 2nd Battalion were in action at the Battle of Mons, Battle of Le Cateau, First Battle of the Marne, First Battle of the Aisne, Battle of La Basse and the Battle of Messines. After a rest, it was posted to Bouchavesnes-Bergen at the end of December and advanced to take a swathe of German-held territory during the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line in March 1917. Protection of the Suez Canal was of great strategic importance and the 2nd Battalion and a detachment of the 1st Battalion were sent to the region. privacy policy, GB/NNAF/C22543 (Former ISAAR ref: GB/NNAF/O38291 ). 4th Bn. 11th Btn. L/Cpl. On either flank of the Ulster Division, the German defences had prevailed. Royal Irish Rifles (d.21st March 1918), Pte. The Long, Long Trail has always been free to use but it does cost money to operate. I am sorry that I don't have much more information for you. 6th Btn. However, the attack was scheduled for Thursday 29th June 1916. 12th Btn. 6 November 1914 : landed at Le Havre. - Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum dailyinfo[19]=' 9228 Corporal George F. PARRY 2nd Bn. [6], The remainder of the battalion spent a gruelling winter on the ridges above Paschendaele before being transferred in February 1918 to the 36th (Ulster) Division near Saint-Quentin. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Moved to Dublin but was at Newtownards by February 1916. The Royal Irish Rifles Graveyard, was carried on by fighting units until July 1916; and these original burials are now in Plots I and II. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917), Bird Alfred Thomas. Rflmn. Those known to have served with Royal Irish Rifles during the Great War 1914-1918. Collins William Robert. Was 19 years old that a man could enlisted? 2nd Lt. 14th Btn. Pte. Royal Irish Rifles (d.16th Aug 1917), Pte. Is there a way that I could find out if he was captured by the British? If you use Twitter, you can always contact me at my account @1418research. (d.1st Jul 1916), Leinster David A.. Rfm 10th Btn. Frederick Bryans 15th Btn. Moved to Ballykinlar in October 1915 and went on to Dundalk in August 1917. I know around this time the Battalion were either stationed in Rainneville or St Gratien, so how he died exactly and what wounds were inflicted remains a mystery. Royal Horse Artillery who died 21/02/1917 GUARDS CEMETERY, COMBLES France '

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